Thursday, July 28, 2011

150-Years-Ago -- General Bee and Lt. Col. Johnson

The Richmond Daily Dispatch
July 27, 1861

The gallant dead.

[from the Charleston Mercury,]

General Barnard E. Bee
Brig. Gen. Bernard Beee
     Upon the wings of shining victory comes the dark shaft of death. And with the first impulsive leapings of the heart in the glad shout of triumph for our arms and our cause, the breath of Carolinians is stilled in mourning for our gallant dead. In that they lived, they were ours — in that they are dead, it was for us they died. Upon each heart they have levied a tribute. The bitter, bitter tears of those who loved them dearest in life, the little hands of pleading children, demand of us, even in the rush of life, and the fierce cry of victory, to pause in silence over their biers, and to mingle our sorrows with the unutterable grief of hearts that cannot be comforted And to-day South Carolina, like a Spartan mother, mourns her lost sons.
     Perhaps there was no man of his age in the Confederate service who had won for himself a fairer fame, both as an accomplished officer and high toned gentleman, than the late Gen. Barnard E. Bee, of this State. Upon the desperate field of battle, where more than once his gallant blade had won him the applause of the army and of his native State, sword in hand, he perished — an untimely death.
     Gen. Bee, descended from an old Carolina family of gentlemen, was about 35 years of age, and leaves a widow and an infant son.
      He entered West Point a cadet in 1841, was made Brevet Second Lieutenant, 3d infantry, in 1845. During the Mexican war he served with marked distinction, winning two brevets before the close of the war — that of 1st Lieutenant, "for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo, on the 18th April, 1847," in which he was wounded, and that of Captain, in the storming of Chapultepec, on the 13th of September, 1847,"for gallant and meritorious conduct." Since 1848 he acted as Adjutant, and rose to a full 1st Lieutenancy in March, 1851.
     His achievements, since that time, in wars among the Indians, were such as to attract towards him the attention of his State, and in his dying hand, on the field in which he fell, he grasped the sword which South Carolina had taken pride in presenting him.
     Few men of his age had attracted more attention in his profession, and such was his reputation, that President Davis, at once raising him from the rank of a Captain, appointed him a Brigadier General in the Provisional Army.
     It will not be easy to fill his place in the Confederate service; but South Carolina, more especially, mourns his loss, for he was a true representative of her race. Mild, modest, amiable of deportment, open, generous, bold and dashing in achievement, nice of honor and punctilious of fame, winning friends by sterling conduct, as fearless of foes as sensitive of regard, he was all that his State could ask of a gentleman, a soldier and a patriot. South Carolina will ever bend in honor over the Toombs of such a son.

Lieut. Col. Benj. J. Johnson.

     Lieut. Col. Benjamin J. Johnson, the second in command of the Hampton Legion, is a native of the town of Beaufort, S. C., and was about forty-five years of age at the period of his death. His brothers reside in this State--two of whom are clergymen of the Episcopal Church--one, the Rev. Richard Johnson, being the Chaplain of Hampton's Legion.
     Col. Johnson was educated at Williamsburg, Va. and commenced life as a planter but afterwards studied law with Colonel DeTreville, and came to the bar of Beaufort, where he practiced a few years. During his residence in Beaufort, he commanded the 12th Regiment of Infantry, and was highly esteemed as an officer.
     In 1838, when barely eligible in years, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives from St. Helena Parish, where he served many years, until he was transferred to the Senate by the same constituency. Col. Johnson served in the Senate for two terms, and until his removal to Christ Church Parish, about three years ago. Immediately upon his removal he was sleeted a member of the House of Representatives from the election district of Christ Church, and continued a member to the time of his death.
     Col. Johnson's career in the Legislature was marked by attention and intelligence. --He frequently filled the position of chairman of important committees, and was known as a working member. He participated fully in the debates of both Houses, and was always distinguished by fairness and ability in his made of conducting them. He filled a high position in the politics of the State, as evidenced by the prominence of his name in the late election for Governor of South Carolina. His heart was always true to the honor of his State, as exhibited throughout his life and illustrated by his death.
     Col. Johnson's influence was largely owing to his personal characteristics. A man of strong will, strong temper, bold, self reliant, imperturbable, energetic, he at once impressed upon those with whom he was thrown in contact, his thorough manhood. He won his friends in the closest ties of regard and affection. In his life he sustained the measure of a Carolina gentleman, and in his death he added to it that of the patriot.


New Orleans Daily True Delta

July 28, 1861
     A splendid flag, presented to the French Legion by Mme. Gueble, was consecrated last evening on Jackson square. The flag is of rich silk, and a combination of the ensigns of France and Louisiana. The field in the upper corner exhibits the French tri-color, the state start emblazoned on the centre bar. The balance of the flag represents the red, yellow and blue stars of the Louisiana flag. Over all, in exquisite embroidery, is the inscription: "Legion Francaise, July, 1861." For the consecration a splendid canopy had been erected, of cloth striped with white, red and yellow. It rested in the rear on the statue of Jackson and in front was artistically ornamented with flags.
     Punctually at 5 o'clock the French Legion marched into the square and took their position around the canopy. They presented a splendid and soldier-like appearance, over six hundred strong, as well as we could estimate. They are entirely unnaturalized citizens of the French empire, residing in New Orleans, and are commanded by Major Albin Rochereau. They were escorted by the veterans of 1814-15, who carried their tattered and blood-baptized flag, and by the Swiss Guard.
     There were the godfather and godmother of the flag, and four young ladies dressed in white, who were accompanied by four soldiers and colored porters with contribution-boxes. A brilliant address was delivered in French by the Rev. Abbe Porche, after which the flag was consecrated by Archbishop Odin. In ever respect the spectacle was imposingly grand.

Monday, July 25, 2011

150-Year-Ago -- Louisiana Troops at First Manassas

Manassas battlefield
(Library of Congress)
 The Richmond Daily Dispatch
July 26, 1861

The battle of Stone Bridge.

additional Particulars.
official report of the fight.

"A Louisianian" communicates the following interesting intelligence to this paper:

To the Editors of the Dispatch:

The gallant Colonel Wheat is not dead, as was reported yesterday, but strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. All Louisiana, and I trust all lovers of heroism in the Confederate States, will say Amen to the prayer, that he and all his wounded compatriots in arms may be restored to the service of their country, to their families and friends, long to live and enjoy the honors due to their dauntless spirits.

I have just read a letter from Capt. George McCausland, Aid to General Evans, written on behalf of Major Wheat to a relative of Lt. Allen C. Dickinson, Adjutant of Wheat's Battalion.

For the information of the family and friends of Lieut. Dickinson, I extract a portion of the letter, viz! "He (Major Wheat,) deeply regrets to say that our dear friend (Lieut. D) was so unfortunate as to receive a wound, which, slight as it is, will prevent him, for some time, from rendering those services now so needed by our country. The wound is in the leg, and although very painful, is not dangerous. To one who knows Lieut. D. as he supposes you do, it is unnecessary to say that he received the wound in the front, fighting as a soldier and a Southerner. With renewed assurances of the slightness of the wound, and of his appreciation of Lieut. Dickinson's gallantry, he begs you to feel no uneasiness on his account."

Lieut. Dickinson is a native of Caroline county, Virginia, a relative of the families of Brashear, Magruder and Anderson. For some years he has resided in New Orleans, and at an early period joined a company of Lousianians to fight for the liberties of his country. He fought with his battalion, which was on the extreme left of our army and in the hottest of the contest, until he was wounded. His horse having been killed under him, he was on foot with sword in one hand and revolver in the other, about fifty yards from the enemy, when a Minnie ball struck him. He fell and lay over an hour, when, fortunately, Gen. Beauregard and Staff, and Capt. McCausland, passed. The generous McCausland dismounted and placed Dickinson on his horse.

Of the bravery of Lieut. D., it is not necessary to say a word, when a man so well noted for chivalry as Robert Wheat has said that he appreciated the gallantry of his Adjutant. Lieut. D. is doing well and is enjoying the kind care and hospitality of Mr. Waggoner and family, on Clay street, in this city.

Maj. Wheat's battalion fought on the extreme left, where the battle raged hottest. Although only 400 strong, they, with a Georgia regiment, charged a column of Federalists, mostly regulars, of 3,000. When the battle was over, less than half responded to the call, and some of them are wounded.

When and where all were brave almost to a fault, it would seem invidious to discriminate. But from the position of the battalion, and the known courage of its leader, officers and men, the bloody result might have been anticipated. It is said of one of the companies that, upon reaching the enemy's column, they threw down their rifles, (having no bayonets,) drew their bowie-knives, and cut their way through the enemy, with a loss of two-thirds of the company.

Such was the dauntless bravery of Wheat's battalion, and such is the heroism of the Confederate army.

Whilst we deeply mourn the honored dead, we rejoice that they died on the field of glory, and that by their conduct and their fall, suffering proof has been given to the enemy and the world that the Confederate States cannot be subjugated. Louisiana.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

NEW BOOK -- The Tiger Rifles: The Making of a Louisiana Legend

Authored by Mr. Michael Dan Jones
     A history of Company B, 1st Special Battalion (Wheat's) Louisiana Volunteers in the War Between the States. The Tiger Rifles, Company B, of Wheat's Battalion became famous because of their flashy Zouave uniforms, their famous battalion commander, Major Roberdeau Wheat, and their heroics at First Battle of Manassas. Their nickname, Tigers, became attached, first to the battalion, and then to all Louisiana troops serving in the Army of Northern Virginia. The book tries to separate fact from myth with regards to the Tigers. The men became so notorious for their antics in camp, they got blamed for a lot of things they didn't do, although they did plenty on their own to deserve their reputation. Also examined is the possible real identity of their company commander, Captain Alexander White. His name is an alias but as far as is known, his real identity has been a mystery. The book focuses tightly on the men of the Tiger Rifles and brings them to life as much as the limited resources allows. The book is available at and at
Publication Date:
Jul 14 2011
1463554745 / 9781463554743
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"

Friday, July 22, 2011


[Editor's note: Here is the first report on the 1st Special Battalion (Wheat's) Louisiana Volunteers in the First Battle of Manassas.]

(From the 1961 Louisiana Centennial
Commission map-brochure)
New Orleans Daily True Delta
July 25, 1861

     Richmond, July 24.-Lieut. Dickinson, the adjutant of the independent battalion from Louisiana, commanded by Major Robert Wheat, is wounded by a Minie ball in his thigh, and is here well attended.
     He says that out of the four hundred of Wheat's command engaged, less than one hundred escaped being either killed or wounded.
    The Catahoula Guerillas belonging to the battalion fought with desperation.
    Lieut. Dickinson thinks that a large majority were either killed or wounded.
    This company was commanded by Captain Boorherehp. They acted as if all was at stake with them. The captain is himself unhurt.

     The Tiger Rifles, Capt. White, First-lieutenant Tom Adrian, becoming disgusted with their Mississippi rifles (without bayonets,) when ordered to charge threw away their rifles and charged with bowie-knives, as the enemy say, like demons, and put all to flight before them.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard
(Blog athor's collection)

 [Editor's note: Here are some of the first news reports after the battle on July 21, 1861. The report that President Davis commanded the center of the line was mistaken. He arrived after the battle. The report that Brig. Gen. Kirby Smith was killed was a mistake. He was wounded and recovered.]

 The Richmond Daily Dispatch
July 22, 1861

The great victory.

     We have the inexpressible satisfaction of announcing this morning another victory of our arms; a decisive victory after the most hotly contested and most important battle ever fought on the American continent. The numbers engaged on each side was far beyond precedent in American history; and, fought as the battle was, under the gaze of two capitals of two powerful Confederacies, it possessed an interest and significance such as has attached to few battles ever before fought.
      It is not ascertained how many of the enemy were actually engaged; though the number could not have been much less than seventy-five thousand. The number actually engaged on our own side was nearly fifty thousand.--The skirmishing is said to have begun as early as four o'clockyesterday morning; the heavy fighting between eight and nine o'clock. It continued all day with unabated vigor.--Night closed upon the scene with the enemy in full retreat, hotly pursued by our gallant men.
     Our left was commanded by the brave Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, who had arrived on the field on the day before from Winchester with twenty thousand men. Patterson had, on Monday, marched down from Martinsburg to within a few miles of the entrenchments at Winchester, and had, on Wednesday, suddenly fallen back across the Potomac. Johnston at once determined to reinforce Beauregard, having no doubt that Patterson had been ordered to join Mcdowell. The result proved the correctness of this surmise, for Patterson's column constituted a part of the enemy's fighting force on yesterday.
     The centre of our line was commanded by President Davis in person; the left by the glorious Beauregard.President Davis, with the energy and gallantry that belongs to his character, had no sooner delivered his Message to Congress in this city on Saturday, than he commenced his arrangements for sharing the fate of our army in the field. He accordingly left this city early yesterday morning, and arrived in time to take a decisive part in the battle.
     The heaviest onset of the enemy was made upon our left, under Gen. Johnston, and it was this division that suffered the heaviest loss. --It continued to be pressed during the whole of the day, until about four o'clock in the afternoon, when President Davis advanced his centre, disengaged a portion of the enemy's forces and decided the fortune of the day.
     The day is ours; but the victory, though glorious, has cost us dearly. Some of the casualties are stated in the telegraphic column. While we rejoice over the public success, we have to mourn the loss of some of the most gallant spirits and most valuable men of whom the South could boast. The events of to-day will be looked for with the deepest interest.

Terrific fight at Manassas!

Victory again Perches on our banner.
     Yesterday was a day long to be remembered in the annals of Richmond. During the whole afternoon groups could be seen gathered around the newspaper offices and the hotels, anxiously inquiring whether any news had been received from the scene of expected conflict: Towards the hour at which the Central cars generally arrived, crowds could be seen wending their way to the depot, expecting that news would be received from passengers from the neighborhood of the engagement.
     On inquiry, we a certained that when the cars left Manassas, (7 o'clock, A. M.,) heavy firing was heard in the vicinity of Bull's Run, about three miles from that place, and where the battle of Thursday occurred. Our informant could not distinguish anything like the report of cannon, and therefore concluded the fight was confined principally to skirmishers. Before the train reached this city, however, information had reached them at Gordonsville that the engagement had become general, and that a terrific battle was progressing.
     Private dispatches of the most reliable character were received at a late hour in the evening, informing us that the attack was made by our forces about four o'clock, in consequence of an attempt of the enemy to throw up breastworks under the disguise of burying their lead. In the general engagement President Davis led the centre, Gen. Beauregard the right wing, and Gen. Johnston the left wing of our army.
     The Lincoln army was completely routed. Hampton's Legion suffered considerable loss.
     Sherman's celebrated Battery of Light Artillery was taken by our troops.
     The fight was very severe and fatal on both sides. Among the prominent officers who are reported to have been killed are Col. Bartow, of Georgia; Gen. Bee, of South Carolina, Gen. Kirby Smith, and Col. Johnson, of the Hampton Legion.
     The following dispatch was received by Mrs. President Davis late last evening:
     "We have won a glorious but dear bought victory — the night closed with the enemy in full fight, pursued by our troops."
"Jeff. Davis."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

150-Year-Ago -- SKIRMISH OF BLACKBURN'S FORD (Prelude to the First Battle of Manassas)

First Virginia Militia
The Richmond Daily Dispatch
July 20, 1861

The fight at Manassas! brilliant Victory!
the enemy Complete'y Routed.
from 1,000 to 1,500 Federal troops killed!
heroic conduct of our troops.
Partial list of killed and wounded on our side.
the Alexandria Riflemen.
&c., &c., &c.
[special correspondence of the Dispatch.]
Manassas Junction, July 18-- 10 P. M.
      Victory perches upon our banners. The army of the Potomac, under the command of General Beauregard, gave battle to the enemy to-day, at Bull's Run, four miles from Manassas Junction, in a Northwest direction, and three miles to the left of the Alexandria Rail-Road. The enemy attempted to cross the ford of several points in great numbers, but were repulsed by our brave and determined troops three times, with heavy loss on the enemy's side. The enemy retreated about five o'clock in the afternoon in confusion, two of our regiments pursuing them. A large number of them have been taken prisoners. On our side, the casualties are few.
Yesterday the enemy appeared in force at Fairfax Court House, when, after exchanging a few shots with them, our troops retreated to Roll's Run, General Beauregard preferring to give them battle there. The General was hurriedly sent for and quickly came to the scene of action, when he ordered the retreat, which has proved to be a brilliant strategic movement. At first our troops were much displeased, believing the retreat had been ordered by some junior officer, but when they learned that the order emanated from their General-in-Chief, they were perfectly satisfied, having in him unbounded confidence. The regiments engaged in this brilliant and successful battle were the First Virginia, the Seventeenth (Alexandria) Virginia, the Mississippi and the Louisiana.
      All of our men behaved with the utmost ruthness and fought like the disciplined soldiers of a Napoleon. It would be invidious to single out the troops from any particular State as having exhibited qualities not found in all. The conduct of our gallant little army (never before under fire,) on this occasion surpasses all praise. For steadiness under a most galling fire, indifference to their peril, good order and precision of aim, history may be ransacked in vain for a parallel. The enemy out numbered them in the proportion of three to one. The Washington Artillery, of New Orleans, were at an early stage of the battle given all opportunity of displaying their high state of efficiency and marksmanship, and they abundantly justified the reputation of the battalion. An eye-witness says at every fire they made a wide gap in the envoy's ranks.
     The First Virginia Regiment, (Col. Moore's,) bore the brunt of the action, the killed and wounded on our side being chiefly in that Regiment, as I have already informed you per telegraph. Col. Moore himself was wounded slightly soon after the battle commenced When being unable to continue at the head of his men, the command devolved upon Lieut. Col. Fry, aided by Major Skinner and Adjutant Mitchell, who inform me that the bullets of the enemy came like bail. He saw eleven of his men wounded at one volley.-- Capt. James K. Lee, company B., of same regiment, was mortally wounded. While I write, he is still in life, but not expected to survive the morning.
     The following are all members of Colonel Moore's Regiment:
Lieut. H. H. Miles was mortally wounded.
Lieut. W. W. Harris, slightly wounded.
Capt. W. J. Allen, slightly wounded.
Private Reilly, Company E, mortally wounded.
Private Whitaker, Company C, mortally wounded.
Private Diaconte, Company K, instantly killed.
Private Wilkinson, Company G, instantly killed.
Private Mallory, Company C, instantly killed.
Private Allen, Company B, probably killed Sergeant Lumpkins, Company B, hand not off
Lieut. English, Company C, slightly wounded.
     I have not yet been able to learn the killed and wounded in other Regiments. The enemy is variously reported to have lost from five to fifteen hundred--the former probably being nearest the truth. Not having been on the field. I am unable to describe the ground, but am informed the enemy were strongly posted with numerous heavy guns on the embankment which slopes down to the ford, while our troops were in the hollow disputing their advance to the other side.
     It has been stated that the enemy threw chain shot and fired upon our hospital while the yellow flag, which secures immunity in civilized nations, was flying. General Beauregard had a narrow escape, a ball having passed through the kitchen of a house where he was partaking of dinner. I need not say the General has displayed qualities of the highest order as a military commander, with, perhaps, the pardonable exception of indifference to his own life, now so valuable to the Confederacy. He exhibited great coolness during the engagement, and was in all parts of the field.
     The Alexandria Riflemen are said to have particularly distinguished themselves, having crossed the ford in the face of a terrific fire from the enemy's artillery, and fought hand to hand with the Yankee hirelings.
     Capt. Dulany, of the Fairfax Riflemen, was seriously wounded. Lieut. Javins, of the Mount Vernon Guard, of Alexandria, was also seriously wounded. Wm. Sangster, of the Alexandria Riflemen, was killed. One of the enemy's Colonels was killed by a squad of Col. Kershaw's 2d South Carolina Regiment, his horse shot, and $700 in gold found upon his person.
     The enemy will doubtless return to-morrow with reinforcements, being exasperated by their humiliating defeat.
     I shall probably be able to ascertain additional particulars when the official reports come in. D. G. D.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

150-Years-Ago -- Another Early War Skirmish -- Laurel Hill, Virginia

An early war Virginia Confederate.
(Library of Congress)
The Richmond Daily Dispatch
15 July 1861

Laurel Hill. Barbour county, July 7.
     Another fight and success so far with the Confederate troops. Before daybreak this morning (Sunday,) the troops at this camp were aroused by the firing of the picket guard, and in a short time our men were in line and ready for service. About light another volley was fired, apparently about a mile from our camp and the excitement was increased by the rapid movement of the Georgia Regiment and the cavalry. Finally orders came for us to take proper positions, that the enemy was advancing upon us, and that the Georgia Regiment had fired upon them and held them in check. This regiment kept up a fire upon them until about 3 o'clock, killing four or five of the enemy, and receiving in turn only one men wounded, slightly.
     At 3 o'clock, the Georgians were marched off and the 23D Regiment took its place, on the brow of a hill to a very short distance of the Yankees. The 23D remained on the ground until dark, when they were relieved by the 27th.
     The 23d under the command of its brave and able commander, Colonel Taliaferro, behaved with coolness and courage worthy of veterans. The Sharpshooters, Capt. Tompkins, of Richmond, were selected as the advance corps, and took up their position within two hundred yards of the enemy, and acting as skirmishers, took to the woods and done their duty faithfully and well. In fact, they being the only company armed with this, they had to bear the brunt of the fighting.
     This company, as soon as they were stationed, commenced a rapid fire on the enemy, which was as promptly returned; but fortunately with little execution to us. The fire was kept up until 7 o'clock, at which time we were relieved I cannot particularize any one who performed the most service, where all done so well, not only in this corps, but in the whole regiment. Our loss is Chas. W. Goff a citizen of Richmond, who was shot through the head, and was killed instantly; Captain Tompkins received a slight scratch on the nose, which, by the way, is a very prominent feature,) caused by a splinter; Corporal Ro. H. Jarvia received a ball through his haversack, cutting through his "grub," and the same ball struck against the leg of Sergeant J. W. L Jones, without, however, doing any injury; Sergeant Bosher, of the Goochland Greys, received a flesh wound in the arm, and the same ball made a mark on the breast of Captain Harrison, of the same corps. The enemy's loss is estimated at 25 killed. How many wounded could not be ascertained.
     The firing is still carried on by the 27th Regiment, our men now being in the trenches, sleeping on their arms, expecting to go at it again to-morrow.
     The enemy commenced their work with yells and cheers, swearing and using all kinds of vulgar language, which our troops replied to by well aimed bullets and a determination to rather than yield. I have not time to write any more to-night, but will give you particulars when the battle is ended. Ned P. S.--It has been reported in Richmond by an enemy of two of the members of the Sharp Shooters that they were to be shot for sleeping on their posts. The report is false, and I take pleasure in correcting it, to relieve the minds of the parents of the two individuals alluded to. Ned.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

150-Year-Ago -- Hampton's Legion of South Carolina

[Editor's note: Hamption's Legion of South Carolina was one of the most famous units in the Confederate Army. It commander and founder, Col. Wade Hampton, 1818-1902, had no military experience at all but had natural ability that made him and outstanding leader and one of the best Confederate generals in the war. Hampton's Legion has six companies of infantry, four companies of cavalry and one battery of artillery. Hampton, a wealthy plantation owner, financed all of the weapons himself. The unit has some of the finest uniforms among all the early war volunteer. Hamption's Legion distinguished itself at the First Battle of Manassas. After the war Hamption became governor of South Carolina.]

Colonel, later general, Wade Hamption
(Library of Congress)
The Richmond Daily Dispatch
July 9, 1861

Hampton's Legion.

     This splendid military organization has attracted much attention in Richmond, and will act a prominent part in this war of subjugation, forced upon us by the Black Republican wretches of the North. A member of the Legion, who signs himself "Jasper," writes from the camp near this city:
     We are making the busiest preparations for efficient service. Ten large companies are now assembled, and our noble-hearted and intrepid Colonel arrived last evening. He has long since assured us that he intends to lead a Logion which will not sully the fair fame of the Palmet to State, and that, if there is fighting to be done, it shall not be his fault should we not have "a place in the picture near the flashing of the guns"--than which nothing could be more in unison with the wishes and impulses of every Carolinian.
     The most rigid military discipline is observed, and I have not yet had the privilege of climbing to the top of the invitingly lovely hills so near us, and looking down upon your brave old city. We spent the Fourth in carop and in drilling, (which most of our corps, military men have said, are not the worst drilled companies they have seen,) so as to be accustomed to severe exercise and enured to fatigue, and be the better prepared to strike as soon as needful in defence of those same great principles.

Pvt. R. Cecil Johnson of the 8th Georgia and
Hampton's Legion. (Library of Congress)