Friday, July 26, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate/ Confederate General Birthdays, July 26.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) July 26. 

On This Day in Confederate History, July 26.

1863: Brig. Gen. John Hunt Morgan and 360 of his men were captured this day at Salineville, Ohio, ending his spectacular raid through Indiana and Ohio. He began the raid on July 2, 1863, with 2,400 Confederate cavalrymen as a diversion to Federal Maj. Gen. William Rosecran's Chattanooga Campaign. His force got whittled down as the weeks passed until he was captured and only 400 of his men made it back to Confederate territory. He and his men were fined at the Ohio State Penitentiary rather and sent to P.O.W. camps. However, on Nov. 27, 1863, Morgan and his men escaped through a tunnel, one of the most spectacular P.O.W. escapes of the war.

Brig. Gen. John H. Morgan

1864: At the Siege of Petersburg, Va., both sides were dug in for a long siege but Lt. Gen. U.S. Grant was planning a major assault including digging a tunnel under Confederate lines and blowing a big hole in the line, and then staging an all-out assault to break the siege. He was also planning a diversionary movement toward Richmond, Va. to weaken the Southern line at Petersburg. This movement was assigned to Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock's II Corps and Maj. Gen. Phillip Sheridan's Cavalry.
When Gen. Robert E. Lee heard about the Federal movements, he reinforced Richmond by sending 16,500 Confederates. The result would be the First Battle of Deep Bottom South over the next two days.  

Confederate General Birthdays, July 26.

Brigadier General John Marshall Jones was born on this day in 1820 in Charlottesville, Va. He was an 1841 graduate of West Point, 39th in a class of 52 cadets. Jones was promoted to brigadier general in May 1863 and given a Virginia infantry brigade in Maj. Gen. Edward "Allegheny" Johnson's Division. His battles included Front Royal, Seven Days Battles, Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness. At the Battle of Gettysburg, Jones was severely wounded during the assault on Culp's Hill. He was killed in action on May 5, 1864, in the Battle of the Wilderness, Va. Lt. Gen. Richard Ewell said his loss was irreparable. He is buried in Maplewood Cemetery in Charlottesville, Va.

                                   Brig. Gen. John M. Jones

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, July 25.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) July 25. 

On This Day in Confederate History, July 25.

1861: The U.S. Congress on this day in 1861 passed the Crittenden-Johnson Resolution which specifically stated the Federals were fighting for the Union and the Constitution, and not for freeing the slaves. The vote was unanimous for the passage of the resolution.

1862: The Camden Confederate newspaper in South Carolina reported on this day in 1862 that the numerical strength of Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan's Army of the Potomac was less than previously reported. The paper also reported on a bombardment at Vicksburg, Miss., and exchange of prisoners with "the Yankee Government," and that Yankee Maj. Gen. John Pope had taken command of his Army of Virginia in which he bragged that "I have come to you from the West, where we have always seen the backs of our enemies. . . ." It also had an outraged story about Brig. Gen. Benjamin "Beast" Butler's infamous "women's order." The article stated, "Transparent hypocrite and unblushing liar, as well as beast."

1st Lt. William R. Macbeth
Co. B, Confederate Guards Response Battalion
KIA April 6, 1862, in the Battle of Shiloh.
He was, about 26-year-old born in Ireland
and in 1860 had a personal estate of $20,000. 
He was married to Martha Selser Bass and had a daughter,
Lydia Bass Macbeth was born in 1861.
His uniform hat is at the Confederate Memorial  Hall in New Orleans.
Unit history👉 Confederate Guards Response Battalion 

1864: Lt. Gen. Jubal Early and his Army of the Valley followed up the victory at Kernstown, Va. by pursuing Maj. Gen. George Crook's Federal forces and heavily skirmishing with them at Martinsburg, Va. Gen. Robert E. Lee reported on this pursuit in a report dated July 26, he wrote, "General Early states he attacked Major-General Crook on the 24th instant on the old battle-field of Kernstown, completely routing him, and pursued him five miles beyond Winchester, where he was compelled to halt from the exhaustion of his men, they had marched twenty-five miles that day. The pursuit was continued by the cavalry. Among the prisoners captured was General [James A.] Mulligan, mortally wounded.  Brigadier-General [Robert D.] Lilley and our other officers and men captured on the 20th were recovered. The strength of the enemy is stated to have been 15,000 infantrymen, besides the cavalry under [William] Averell."

Brig. Gen. Robert D. Lilley, who 
had been captured July 20, 1864, at
Stephenson's Depot but was recovered. He was also
wounded three times and his right arm amputated.

Confederate General Birthdays, July 25.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, July 24.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) July 24. 

On This Day in Confederate History, July 24.

1862: Fitzhugh Lee, son of Confederate Navy Captain Sydney Smith Lee and nephew of General Robert E. Lee, is appointed brigadier general on this day in 1862. By the end of the war, he will be a major general. During the Spanish-American War, Lee served in the U.S. Army as a major general in Cuba.

1863: Brig. Gen. George Armstrong Custer's Yankee cavalry division ambushed Confederate infantry from Lt. Gen. A.P. Hill's Third Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia on this day at Newby's Crossroads on Battle Mountain, Virginia. Hill and the rest of the Confederates of Northern Virginia were headed for Culpeper's Courthouse after the Gettysburg Campaign. Hill sent a message to Lt. Gen. James Longstreet that he was under attack by Yankee cavalry. Longstreet sent Brig. Gen. Henry Benning's Brigade to deal with Custer. The bluecoat cavalry was no match for Benning's Georgians and Hill's Confederates. Custer soon retreated back to his base at Amissville, Va. and the Confederates continued to Culpeper unmolested.

Two Confederates, a major seated
and a young private with a knapsack,
three-band musket and what looks to be
a regulation Confederate uniform,
except the tunic is single-breasted instead
of double-breasted.
(Liljenquist Collection, Library of  Congress)

A regulation Confederate
Uniform. (click on the image
to enlarge)

1864: The Second Battle of Kernstown, Va. takes place on this day in 1864 during the Valley Campaign of 1864. Lt. Gen. Jubal Early commands an army of about 14,000 Confederates versus a Federal Army of about 10,000 under Brig. Gen. George Crook. Confederate and Federal cavalry clash south of  Kernstown and that afternoon both armies arrived in force. The Confederates are concealed in a wooded area and trick the Federals into thinking they are only attacking cavalry. Confederates then attack both Federal flanks and the Federals retreat past Winchester and toward Martinsburg. The Federals suffered about 1,200 casualties and 600 for the Confederates. With the Shenandoah Valley cleared of the bluecoat invaders, Early then launched a raid into northern territory.

Confederate General Birthdays, July 24.

Brigadier General Julius Adolphus De Langel was born on this day in 1827 in Newark, New Jersey, and moved to Virginia at an early age. He served in the U.S. Army from 1847 to 1861. He resigned and joined the Confederate Army as an artillery captain. He was wounded at the Battle of Rich Mountain, Va. in 1861. After recovering with a farm family, he was captured while traveling to Confederate lines. He was exchanged on April 15, 1862.  Although De Langel was appointed and confirmed as a brigadier general on April 12, 1862, he declined the commission on July 31, 1862, for unknown reasons. He served the rest of the war as a major and lieutenant colonel in the 20th Virginia Artillery Battalion, commander of the Fayetteville, North Carolina Arsenal, and inspector of arsenals for the Confederate Army. Following the war, he was in the shipping business in Washington, D.C. He died on June 3, 1912, in Washington, D.C., and was buried in St. Paul's Cemetery in Alexandria, Va.

Brig. Gen. Julius A. De Langel

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, July 23.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) July 23.

On This Day in Confederate History, July 23.

1862: The Army of the Mississippi under Confederate Lt. Gen. Braxton Bragg moves to Chattanooga, Tenn., and the army that would later be renamed the Army of Tennessee. Bragg was commencing his Heartland Offensive. This was an offensive by the Confederacy to recover lands lost to the Federals earlier that year. While Bragg was going on the offensive in Tennessee and Kentucky, Gen. Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia was going on the offensive in Virginia to drive the Yankees out of Northern Virginia.

Confederate solider in 
 battle shirt, holding a bayonet, posing with
the famous "Jeff Davis and the South" sign.
Many pictures with this sign have shown up
but it is a mystery as to who the photographer was.
It is associated with soldiers in units with the
Army of Tennessee
 (Liljenquist Collection, Library of Congress)

1863: The Battle of Manassas Gap,  Va. ends the Gettysburg Campaign with a Confederate victory. Gen. Robert E. Lee left Maj. Gen. Richard Anderson's Division at Manassas Gap to thwart the Federal Army of the Potomac, under Maj. Gen. George Meade from attacking Lee's army while it is returning from Pennsylvania. Meade sent in the division of Maj. Gen. William H. French's III Corps to clear the gap of the Confederates. French sends in Brig. Gen. Francis Spinola's New York Excelsior Brigade initially pushed back Col. Edward J. Walker commanding Wright's Georgia Brigade. However, Anderson reinforces Walker with the brigade of Col. Edward A. O'Neal with Col. Thomas H. Carter's artillery and stops the Federal's pursuit. Lee then moved into the Luray  Valley and beyond Federal pursuit. Total casualties for both sides in the battle were about 440.

Confederate General Birthdays, July 23

Brig. Gen. Gabriel Colvin Wharton was born on this day in 1824 in Culpepper, Virginia. He graduated from the Virginia Military Institute in 1847 as a "distinguished graduate." In the pre-war years, Wharton worked as a civil engineer and moved to Arizona Territory. During the War for Southern Independence, he served as a major in the 45th Virginia Infantry and as colonel of the 51st Virginia Infantry. He was promoted to brigadier general on July 8, 1863. Wharton's battles included Fort Donelson, Knoxville, New Market, Cold Harbor, Monocacy, Cedar Creek, and Waynesboro. Following the war, Wharton was elected to the Virginia General Assembly and became a mining engineer. He died May 12, 1906, in Radford, Va., and was buried in the Radford Family Cemetery in Radford.

Brig. Gen. Gabriel C. Wharton

Monday, July 22, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, July 22.

Click 👉 Today in History (general history), July 22.

On This Day in Confederate History, July 22.

1861: Confederate Brigadier General Bernard Bee died on this day after being mortally wounded in the First Battle of Manassas. He gained lasting fame for rallying his brigade behind that of Brigadier General Thomas J. Jackson. He is reported to have said, "There is Jackson standing like a stone wall! ... Rally behind the Virginians!" Bee received his fatal wound shortly thereafter.

Lt. Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
Confederate Hero, Military Genius

Stonewall Jackson Monument
Manassas National Battlefield Park
(National Park Service)

1862: Vicksburg Campaign: The Confederate ironclad CSS Arkansas at Vicksburg, Miss., was attacked by the USS Essex, Queen of the West, and Sumter. The Essex dueled at close range with the Arkansas and inflicted some damage on the Confederate vessel. Then the Queen of the West rammed it but did no serious damage. The Queen then withdrew but Arkansas scored a hit while it was withdrawing. Arkansas survived the attack and work on repairs continued.
CSS Arkansas
(U.S. Naval Historical Center)

1863: A skirmish at the Eagleport crossing of the Muskingum River in Ohio took place between about 600 cavalrymen under Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan and the local militia. The Confederate horse soldiers quickly dispersed the militiamen and crossed the river. 

A typical Confederate cavalryman.
(Painting by W.L. Sheppard)

1864: The Battle of Atlanta, Ga. occurred on this day when Gen. John Bell Hood's Army of Tennessee attacked the Northern army of Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman's flank, which was being defended by Federal Maj. Gen. Maj. Gen. Grenville Dodge's XVI Corps. Federal Maj. Gen. James McPherson, commander of the Army of the Tennessee, was mortally wounded and captured by Confederates while riding to Dodge's corps. McPherson died soon afterward. Hood had 40,438 men in the assault, while the blue coats had 34,863 in strong defenses. While the Confederates fought valiantly, the attacks all failed with heavy casualties. The Yankees lost about 3,400 casualties and the Confederates lost about 5,500. Among the killed on the Confederate side was Maj. Gen. William H.T. Talker and Brig. Gen. Samuel Benton.

Major Philip Van Hor Weems
Co. H, 11th Tennessee Infantry Regiment
He was mortally wounded in the Battle of Atlanta.
(Liljenquist Collection, Library of Congress)

Confederate General Birthdays, July 22.

Major General John George Walker was born on this day in 1821 in Cole City Missouri. Although he didn't have a military education, he served as a first lieutenant in the Regiment of Mounted Rifles in the Mexican-American War. He was brevetted a captain for his gallantry at San Juan de Los Llanos and suffered a wound at Molino del Rey. Walker stayed in the army after the war until July 1861 when he resigned and joined the Confederate Army as a cavalry major. He was then promoted to lieutenant colonel of the 8th Texas Cavalry, then to colonel. Walker was promoted to brigadier general in January 1862 and led a brigade of infantry in the Army of Northern Virginia at the Battle of Sharpsburg, Md. where he was wounded. In November 1862 he was promoted to major general and given command of a whole Texas infantry division, which gained fame in the Trans-Missippi Department as Walker's Greyhounds. His battles and campaigns included the Peninsula, Malvern Hill, South Mountain, Milliken's Bend, Mansfield, Pleasant Hill (wounded), and Jenkins' Ferry. After the Red River Campaign of 1864, he became commander of the Army of Western Louisiana where he finished the war. Following the war, he lived temporarily in Mexico and then joined his wife in London, England. Later he returned to the U.S. and was eventually was made the U.S. Consul in Bogota, Columbia, and as Special Commissioner to the Pan-American Convention. Walker died July 20, 1893, in Washington, D.C., and was then buried in Stonewall Cemetery in Winchester, Va.

Maj. Gen. John G. Walker

Brigadier General Hamilton Prioleau Bee was born on this day in 1822in Charleston, South Carolina. He was the older brother of Brigadier General Barnard E. Bee, who ironically died on the same day from his mortal wound at First Manassas in 1861. The family moved to Texas in 1835, where his father Barnard Bee Sr., became a leader in the Texas Revolution and the Texas Republic. During the Mexican-American War, Hamilton Bee served in Benjamin McCulloch's Co. A, of Col. Jack Hays' 1st Regiment of Texas Mounted Volunteers, then as a second lieutenant in Mirabeau B. Lamar's company in Col. Peter Hansborough Bell's Regiment of Texas Volunteers. After the war, he served in the State of Texas House of Representatives and was Speaker of the House. Bee was elected a brigadier general in the Texas militia in 1861 and then appointed a brigadier general in the Confederate Army. He spent much of the war in South Texas commanding there until the Red River Campaign of 1864 in Louisiana when he led his brigade in the Battle of Mansfield, the Battle of Pleasant Hill (slightly wounded), and in various battles and skirmishes to the end of the campaign. Following the war, Bee lived with his family in Saltillo, Mexico, and didn't move back to Texas until 1876. He then became the superintendent of the farm on what would become Texas A&M University, practiced law in San Antonio, and served as Texas Commissioner of the Office of Insurance, Statistics, and History. Bee died on October 3, 1897, in San Antonio, and is buried in the Confederate Cemetery in San Antonio.

Brig. Gen. Hamilton P. Bee

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On Thisday in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, July 21.

 Click 👉Today in History (general history) July 21. 

On This Day in Confederate History, July 21.

1861: The First Battle of Manassas, Va. is fought along Bull Run Creek on this day and was a great Confederate victory. The battle starts on the Confederate left wing at Matthew's and Henry House Hills with the 4th South Carolina Volunteers and the 1st Battalion (Wheat's) Louisiana delaying Federals under Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell long enough for Confederates to get to Henry House Hill where Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson and his First Virginia Brigade stop the Federate advance. Jackson and his brigade get their famous nickname, Stonewall. More Confederate and Federal reinforcements pour in and the battle sways back and forth much of the day until in the late afternoon the Confederates break the Federal line and commence a stampede back to Washington, D.C., Gens. P.G.T. Beauregard and Joseph E. Johnston get the credit for a masterful victory in the first major battle of the war. The Federals lost 481 killed, 1,011 wounded and 1,216 missing. The Confederates suffered 381 killed, 1,582 wounded, and 13 missing.

Pvt. William Baxter Ott, Co. I, 4th Va. Inf.
Stonewall Brigade
Killed in action at First Manassas.
(Liljenquist Collection, Library of Congress)

Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard
He was appointed a full general to date from July 21, 1861
At this point, he was the first national hero of the Confederacy.

1864: Atlanta Campaign: Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood keeps up his offensive and sent Lt. Gen. William J. Hardee and Maj. Gen. B.F. Cheatham's Corps and Maj. Gen. Joseph "Fighting Joe" Wheeler's Cavalry toward Decatur, Ga. to attack the flank of the Federal Army of the Tennessee, under Maj. James McPherson, the next day. 

Confederate General Birthdays, July 21.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, July 20.

Click👉Today in History (general history) July 20. 

On This Day in Confederate History, July 20.

1861: First Manassas Campaign: Both Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell and Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard were planning to launch attacks on July 21, from opposite ends of the battlefield. Beauregard was receiving reinforcements from Gen. Joseph E. Johnston who was transferring troops via the railroad connections for the battle, which was a first in U.S. Military History. McDowell had 35,732 men available and Beauregard between 32,000 and 34,000. Johnston technically outranked Beauregard but Johnston allowed Beauregard to manage the battle since he was more knowledgeable about the terrain and placement of troops.

(La. Civil War Centennial brochure)
The Louisiana Tiger Rifles, Co. B, 1st Bn. (Wheat's) La. Vols.,
in their flashy Zouave uniforms,
among the early war Confederate troops at Manassas, Va.
Also, See 👇

1863: Skirmishing breaks out in the various gaps in Northern Virginia as Maj. Gen. George Meade's Army of the Potomac tries to catch up with Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia following the Battle of Gettysburg. There are skirmishes at Ashby's Gap and Berry's Ferry, Va.

1864: Atlanta Campaign: Urged by President Davis, Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood launches the Army of Tennessee into a series of costly attacks around Atlanta, Ga. on Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman's three Federal armies, the first being the Battle of Peachtree Creek. Hood has 20,250 Confederates in the battle and Sherman 21,655. Hood hopes to catch Sherman's arriving army before it can fortify its positions. All of the Southern assaults are repulsed with heavy casualties. Estimated casualties of 1,900 for the Federals and 2,500 for the Confederates. 

Confederate General Birthdays, July 20.