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Sgt. Joseph C. LeBleu of Lake Charles, La. color-bearer for the 10th Louisiana Infantry at the Battle of Malvern Hill. (Photo courtesy of Dan Jones) |
At some
time after he was exchanged from captivity, 2nd Lieutenant Isaac
Ryan rejoined the Confederate States Rangers, which made him the commanding
officer of what little was left of Company K. He was one of four brothers who
served in the Confederate Army, including his older brother Asa Ryan who lost a leg at Sharpsburg, and a younger
brother, Joseph Lawrence Ryan, who was wounded at Second Manassas, all of whom
served in the 10th Louisiana. The fourth Ryan brother
serving the Confederacy was George Ryan, the youngest of the four,
who served in the 7th Louisiana Cavalry,
which took part in the Red River
Campaign of 1864 in Louisiana. The Ryan brothers were also cousins to other
members of Company K, including the the three Reeves brother, James, John and
Isaac; Oliver Ryan Moss and Walter Florence Moss; Bennett Ellender and Jacob
Ellender. Also related to the Ryans in the company was Isaac Williams, a
brother-in-law. Private Patrick Coyne, a native Irishman, had been an employee
of the Ryan family
saw mill in Lake Charles. But as of March, 1865, the only two of this sub-group
left in the ranks were Isaac Ryan and Jacob Ellender. Lieutenant Ryan was
eligible for a furlough but he postponed it to lead his men in the attack on
Fort Stedman. The soldiers of the 10th Louisiana would be among those at the tip of the spear
in leading the attack for Evans’ division. Also during this period, Peck was promoted to
brigadier general and transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department. Colonel Waggaman was placed in command of the Louisiana brigade.
orders from Lee, General Gordon spent a week
looking for a vulnerable point in the Federal trench lines. He found it at Fort
Stedman. Gordon found that the fort, along the part of the line called
Colquitt’s Salient, was just two hundred yards from the Confederate line. Fort Stedman
was located on Hare’s Hill, and Gordon felt it would provide the best
opportunity for a pre-dawn surprise attack. He planned to send out an advance
party in the dark who would “silence”
the enemy pickets. Then 50 men with axes would rush up to the front of the
fortification and quickly hack a pathway through the abatis and chevaux
de frise for the attackers. Abatis are tree branches with one end sharpened
to a point and pointed outward to deter attackers. Chevaux de frise are wooden
spikes fixed around pole in a circular pattern and designed as an obstacle to
cavalry. At that time, 300 men with empty muskets, but with bayonets attached,
would rush into the fort and subdue the bluecoats on duty. The rest of the
divisions taking part would fan out to the left and right and secure all three
forts on the Federal main line, turn the guns of the Yankees, sever their
communications and supply lines and open
a pathway for part of the Confederate Army to breakout of the siege. and join
Johnston’s army in North Carolina.
Gordon presented his plan to General
Lee, who approved it. The plan
was desperate and daring, but the Confederates were in a hopeless situation
with food and other supplies running out. His army had dwindled to 50,000 men
and only 35,000 fit for duty. Grant had on hand 150,000 with more on the way
from Sheridan’s and Major General William T. Sherman’s armies. Sherman was
approaching Richmond from the south where he had been rampaging through Georgia
and the Carolinas. Lee gave Gordon approval for the plan and gave him
the men he could spare for the effort, about 11,500 – including Gordon’s Second
Corps and Bushrod Johnson’s division – with another 8,200 in reserve from
Wilcox and Pickett’s commands.
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Fort Stedman (Library of Congress) |
General Gordon, making assignments for the
assault, placed Evans’ division on the Confederate right and
directed them to take batteries XI and XII to the left and right of Fort
Stedman. When Evans held a meeting of his brigade officers he turned to Colonel
Waggaman and told him he wanted the Louisiana brigade
to be the storming party for the
division, a singular but hazardous assignment. Evans said to Waggaman, “On account of the valor of
your troops, you will be allowed the honor of leading off in the attack.” He
then added, “This you will make with unloaded arms.” To the left of Evans’
division were the divisions of Grimes, Walker and Bushrod Johnson. Walker also
picked officers that he knew to be the “bravest of the brave” to lead the
attack for his division. Brigadier General Philip Cook’s brigade would lead off
for Grimes’ division.
At 3 o’clock in the morning of March 25,
Waggaman roused the Louisiana brigade to get ready and fix
bayonets but not to load their muskets. Then, at 4 o’clock the axmen and
storming parties were sent silently forward. Each of the men in the storming
parties had a strip of white cloth tied across his chest so he could be
recognized in the darkness and hand-to-hand fighting in the fort. First,
obstructions in front of the Confederate lines had to be moved. As they were
advancing through the badly cut up ground in no-man’s land, Waggaman fell into a muddy ditch and had to be pulled
out by a private. The advanced Federal pickets were swiftly and silently overcome,
axmen ran forward and quickly hacked a path for the storming party, then the
men, with just axes and bayonets, leaped over the breastworks and overcame the
guards. The surprise was complete.
Waggaman and his Louisianians had a rough time getting
into the works at Fort Stedman. 1st Lieutenant Benjamin R. Smith of
Company B, 2nd Louisiana and two, four-man sections of sharpshooters
were the first in the trench. Federal Brigadier General Napoleon B. McLaughlen
was with the 29th and 57th
Massachusetts infantry regiments, ordered Battery XII to commence firing on
Fort Stedman and then led a bayonet charge against it. The Louisianians held
off the Massachusetts men in hand-to-hand fighting, the bluecoats who refused
to surrender were bashed in the head with a rifle butt, or bayoneted. Evans’
division overcame the resistance and took McLaughlen and his men captive. Gordon
personally received McLaughlen’s surrender.
Waggaman was reinforced by Terry’s Virginians and they then quickly took batteries XI and XII and headed south down the line toward Fort Haskell. Other Confederates headed north to Battery IX and to the Federal rear to take the next line of forts. Specially designated officers were to identify themselves as enemy officers to gain entry to these forts in the dark. Confederate artillerymen soon turned the guns in Fort Stedman on the Federal holdouts. “We had captured nine heavy cannon, eleven mortars, nearly 1000 prisoners, including General McLaughlin, with the loss of less than half a dozen men,” Gordon said. The Louisianians captured four of the guns and three of the mortars as well as nearly the whole garrison.
Waggaman was reinforced by Terry’s Virginians and they then quickly took batteries XI and XII and headed south down the line toward Fort Haskell. Other Confederates headed north to Battery IX and to the Federal rear to take the next line of forts. Specially designated officers were to identify themselves as enemy officers to gain entry to these forts in the dark. Confederate artillerymen soon turned the guns in Fort Stedman on the Federal holdouts. “We had captured nine heavy cannon, eleven mortars, nearly 1000 prisoners, including General McLaughlin, with the loss of less than half a dozen men,” Gordon said. The Louisianians captured four of the guns and three of the mortars as well as nearly the whole garrison.
But the assault plan was beginning
to fall apart for the Confederates. Special units needing to take the forts in
the rear were getting lost in the maze of trenches, Federal artillery was
returning fire on the Confederates and reinforcements were being rushed up to
contain the rebel breakthrough. Meanwhile, Confederate reinforcements with
Pickett were delayed by breakdowns on the decrepit Southern railroads. Federal
Brigadier General John Hartranft, in command of the reserves, began dispatching
nearby units to trouble spots. The 100th Pennsylvania was initially
caught by surprise with some of the men captured, but others managed to get
into Fort Haskell, and held out against Evans’ division. The 14th
New York Heavy Artillery was manning the big guns in the fort. Also crowding
into the fort were portions of the 29th and 59th
Massachusetts, and the 208th Pennsylvania, coming up from the
reserves. The Louisianians and Virginians were stopped cold by the stiff
resistance there.
Confederates soon found themselves in a deadly trap with only two choices: run
back to their own lines through a deadly hailstorm of lead; or surrender. Many tried
both avenues but the heaviest Confederate casualties occurred at this point in
the battle. Waggaman’s Louisianians were driven
back into Fort Stedman where they continued battling savagely until they too
were overwhelmed. All who could get away sprinted back to Confederate lines. Lee, watching the battle from a
nearby hill, ordered a retreat at 7:30 o’clock that morning. It took until
about 10 o’clock to completely disengage, and when Gordon gave the Louisianians
the order to retire, or as the Louisiana French say, sauve qui peut
(everyman for himself), they first spiked the captured guns.
casualties have usually been overstated at over 4,000, but a close study of the
Southern losses after the war by Frederick Phisterer found that the actual
figure in all categories was 2,681. Federal casualties in all categories, both
in the initial attack and the more lengthy counterattack, amounted to about
2,100. The Louisiana brigade, which had about 400 men
left at
the time of the battle, lost over half that number, it is estimated.
The 10th
Louisiana lost, remarkably, only five men in the
maelstrom of Fort Stedman, one killed, three wounded and one captured. The one
man killed was 2nd Lieutenant Isaac Ryan, the last man killed in
action of the Confederate States Rangers of the 10th Louisiana. Ironically, Ryan had been
named for his uncle, Isaac Ryan, who was one of the martyrs of the Alamo
massacre in 1836. The nephew had now become one of the
martyrs of the “Lost Cause” of Southern Independence. Ryan, who died two days
after the battle on March 27, was buried at the giant Blanford Cemetery in
Petersburg, Virginia among over 30,000
Confederate soldiers buried there. His
grave is located on Memorial Hill, number 279. There is memorial marker in his
family plot in the Bilbo Cemetery in Lake Charles, Louisiana honoring him at
the grave of his parents.
the survivors of the Louisiana brigade returned to the Confederate side after
retreated from Fort Stedman, Colonel Waggaman asked General Evans if the Louisianians had
done their duty? Evans replied simply, “They did.” The casualties of the 10th
Louisiana, and all the Confederate
troops, had gone above and beyond the call of duty.