Sunday, July 14, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthday's, July 14.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) July 14.

On This Day in Confederate History, July 14.

1863: As Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army was crossing the Potomac River back into Virginia on the morning of July 14, his rear guard,  under Maj. Gen. Henry Heth was attacked at the Battle of Falling Waters, Md. by Federal Cavalry. The Federals took many prisoners but  Lee's Army successfully completed crossing the river on pontoon bridges. However, Brig. Gen. Johnston Pettigrew was killed in the action. Lee's army was significantly reduced by the losses of the Gettysburg Campaign, but it was rebuilt to fight another day and determined to achieve Southern Independence.

Maj. Gen. Henry Heth
Wounded in action at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa.

1864: The Battle of Tupelo, Miss. occurred on this day between Confederate Lt. Gen. Stephen D. Lee and Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest with 2,100 infantry, 7,000 cavalry, and 20 guns, versus Federal Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Smith's  16th Army Corps of  13,000 infantry, 3,000 cavalry, and 24 guns. The Federals were in a strongly fortified position in Harrisburg, Miss. The Confederates took the initiative with the cavalry under Forrest being partly dismounted and put in the front line for the attack, while the other part was in reserve. After futile assaults in the morning by the Confederates, the Southerners were entrenched and the battle continued the next day.

Col. Hinche P. Mabry led
a brigade of Arkansas and
Mississippi Cavalry
under Forrest at the Battle
of Tupelo, Miss.

Confederate General Birthdays, July 14.


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