Tuesday, December 21, 2010

150-YEARS-AGO -- Secession Jubilation in New Orleans

Louisiana Governor Thomas O. Moore
had already called for an election for
delegates to a secession convention.
(William Emerson Strong Photograph Album,
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special
Collections Library, Duke University.)

New Orleans Daily True Delta Dec. 22, 1860 P. 2
Secession Jubilation.
At 12 o'clock to-day, on the Neutral Ground of Canal street, a salute of thirty guns was fired by the sympathisers with the secession movement of South Carolina.

New Orleans Daily True Delta
CHARLESTON, Dec. 21, 3 p.m., -- The convention met at noon to-day, pursuant to adjournment.
Prayer was offered beseeching Almighty God to unite the people of the south in the formation of a southern confederacy.

A motion was made that a committee be appointed to invite the governor, postmaster and collector of the port to be present, which, however, was temporarily postponed.

Barnwell Rhett, chairman of the committee, presented an address to the southern states, a long and able paper, reviewing the injuries of South Carolina during her connection with the Union.

The convention refused to issue the address until its final adoption; made the special order for Saturday.
Judge Wardlow made a report by ordinance, amending the constitution of the state of South Carolina.
Other unimportant business was transacted, when the convention went into secret secession, excluding all but members.
New Orleans Daily True Delta
Dec. 25, 1861 P. 5
Secession Meeting at Odd Fellows' Hall.
This hall was well filled last night, for the purpose of holding, as announced, a meeting for the ratification of the nominations of the secession party for the state convention to be held on the 23rd January next.
The meeting was organized by Mr. C. Fellows being called on to preside by Mr. M. Simpson, and the reading of a long list of vice-presidents and secretaries.
Then came, as play-goers some times see, something not written down in the bills. A gentleman came forward with three resolutions tendering congratulations to South Carolina, and co-operation with her when Louisiana secedes; promising that the guns of Chalmette will speak in unison with those of Fort Moultrie, and announcing that the confederation of the south was peace; but come the other alternative, the people would not be unprepared. Simultaneously with the addition of these resolutions, a secession banner. Then a Miss Holman, a concert singer, was introduced and sang the Marseillaise. And at each successive performance, the crowd was enthused.
The speaking by Messrs. J.B. D. DeBow, C.W. Conrad, C.C. Gayarre, Alex. Walker, and E. Moise. All of them, of course, delivered straight-out secession speeches. Mr. Gayarre argued that because the colonies commenced the revolution without concert of action, the states should follow their example the present day. He said it was unfortunate that unanimity did not prevail as to the best method of securing the rights of the south. They (the advocates of separate state action) had differed from those distinguished citizens whose integrity, talents and pure motives they should not refuse homage to, because they differed from them. Let us, said the speaker, labor to produce unity, let us convince them, or be convinced.
After the address of Mr. Moise, the last speaker, the meeting dispersed.

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