The Richmond Daily Dispatch
March 12, 1861
Reception of Gen. Twiggs in New Orleans.
The New Orleans papers publish very full accounts of the reception of Gen. Twiggs there on the 4th inst. The Delta says:
Gen. David E. Twiggs
(Library of Congress) |
No such reception has been accorded in New Orleans to any public man since the welcome of Gen. Taylor, on his return from the glorious achievements of his Mexican campaign. As a pageant, though got up with little preparation, it was hardly ever equaled in this city. The military were out in large force.--More than twenty full, and some of them very large uniformed companies, were in line. The Orleans Guards alone turned out 240 men, the Washington Artillery, Louisiana Guards and Orleans Cadets 100 each. The ranks of the Crescent Rifles, of the several companies of Zouaves, the Montgomery Guards, and the other companies of the two brigades of Generals Palfrey and Tracy, also mustered strong. The whole formed a column of as gallant, well-disciplined and splendid troops as ever turned out to receive a veteran hero and General. But the military, after all, formed but a small feature in the grand reception: It was the demonstration of the vast crowd of citizens that assembled to welcome the patriotic soldier, and crowded broad Canal street for several squares, and the sidewalks of all the streets through which the procession moved — their loud and prolonged hurrahs, the waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies from every window and balcony, and the brightened and flushing expression of twenty thousand faces — which proclaimed in such eloquent terms the earnest patriotism of our people and their devotion to the honor of the flag of the Confederate States.
To the address of welcome Gen. Twiggs responded in a firm and independent voice, withal marked by emotion. He thanked his native South, his adopted home, New Orleans, for the honor done him, and though loath to speak of himself, he could say here he never would be charged either as "traitor" or "coward." He trusted never to hear this charge against him here — elsewhere it may rise and it may fall, but so long as his native land knew him well, and spoke of him as he deserved, he would be satisfied. He reviewed briefly his late action in Texas. He had no desire to shed Southern blood, or to cause civil war, and if the Government at Washington intended resistance, why had it remained passive? The forts of Texas were to-day where they were yesterday. Why had they not been retaken? He hoped that by God's blessing he would be enabled to possess strength enough to participate in retaining these forts to the South, and to participate in the defence of her rights 'mid the momentous struggles of the country.'
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