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An early war volunteer. |
The Richmond Daily Dispatch
April 24, 1861
Unanimity among the people — Troops for Virginia — Affairs at Pensacola — Things in Maryland, &c.
Our correspondence from various sections of the State continues to furnish accounts of the enthusiastic feeling which pervades every class. From Louisa Court-House, we have the following, dated April 22d:
The noble and self-preserving spirit of the people of this county was never wrought to such a pitch as it now is, and it appears, if possible, it has not as yet reached its growth. I have heard a number of good citizens, who by age are exempt from military duty, avow, in solemn terms, that they will, at every and all hazards, if needs be, go to the field of honor, and there defend their rights until the last ruddy drop of sweat shall have returned to its mother earth, and thus
"Look proudly to heaven from the death-bed of fame."
The young men are on tip-toe to go into immediate service, and I know many who intend joining the volunteer company known as the "Louisa Blues." A company was being organized at this place on Saturday (it being militia drill day and Circuit Court day,) with a view of offering their services to Governor Letcher, to assist in holding fortifications, &c., for the defence of the State. A "Home Guard has also been organized in this vicinity, consisting of many of the most worthy and deserving gentlemen of the county."
A Chesterfield correspondent writes (April 22d) as follows:
There was a large gathering of the people to-day to provide means for equipping the volunteers, organizing a Home Guard, and providing for committees of vigilance. C. W. Friend was called to the chair, and J. W. Howard was appointed Secretary. Mr. E. Williams offered a resolution to raise $1,500 for immediate use, to buy uniforms, the County Court to reimburse the people for the outlay, and make a further appropriation of $8,000 at the next meeting of the Court. The citizens came forward promptly and endorsed the bonds of the committee appointed to raise the money, and the whole amount was soon raised. P. H. Drewry, R. A. Willis and E. Williams were appointed to disburse the money. Liberal sums were contributed to buy horses and uniforms for Capt. H. W. Cox's Troop, also for Capt. Coghill's Guard. A new company at Etterick's was also uniformed. Dr. J. W. Walsh is raising a new company at the C. H. Pitts. Captain Asa Smith's company, at the same place, is full, well drilled and ready. A new artillery company is raising — headquarters to be at Chester.
Our delegate to the Convention wrote a feeling letter to the meeting, and has opened his purse wide to afford aid to all of our enterprises.
Rev J. W. Howard was elected Capt. of the Home Guard.
We are fully alive to the great importance of being prepared for this cruel and diabolical war, and we are all united.
From Norfolk we have the following;
Every heart here seems enlisted in the grave cause of justice and independence; and many a noble son is willing and ready to obey the voice of Virginia, and to lay down their lives in glorious defence of her soil. Never have I seen such an almost entire unanimity of feeling than at this time pervades our community.
Party lines have been lost and forgotten in this the perilous and excited moment of our trial. Every man seems to rise supremely above all other considerations but that of serving his state.
A correspondent of Pleasant Grove Church, Green county, writes:
The members of Pleasant Grove Church and other gentlemen of the vicinity, organized a society on Saturday, the object of which is to see that the family of no volunteer or any other who may be called into his country's service, shall suffer for any of the necessaries or comforts of life. Great enthusiasm prevailed during the organization, eloquent and patriotic speeches were made by Major Jennings and other gentlemen.
There has been great rejoicing in this section that Virginia has at last cast her lot with the glorious South. The war fever is running high, I have yet to see the first man who is not ready to shoulder his musket when ever called upon. troops for Virginia.
The Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist, of the 21st instant, says:
Lieut. Delaigle, of the Georgia Army, received a dispatch this morning, from Gov. Brown, ordering three hundred and fifty muskets and a quantity of cartridges, to be delivered at the South Carolina railroad depot, to-morrow (Sunday) morning. Four companies of troops are expected to arrive to-morrow morning, on their way to Virginia, and these articles are for their equipment.
The same paper further says:
The Floyd Rifles, Capt. Thomas Hardeman, and the Macon Volunteers, Capt. R. A. Smith, will arrive here this morning, and leave for Virginia, on an extra train, on the South Carolina road.
The Columbus (Ga.) Sun, of the 20th, says:
Capt. Colquitt received a dispatch last night from Gov. Brown, requesting to know If the Light Guards could start to-night for Norfolk, Virginia. We are informed that the dispatch was answered in the affirmative, and that the company will leave for that destination by the train this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, they having been ready for orders some time past.
The Charleston Mercury of the 20th has the following:
South Carolina will aid Virginia with two regiments of her victorious troops to maintain the bold position which she has assumed against Federal usurpation. We understand that the regiment of Col. Maxcy Gregg, and the regiment of Col. Pettigrew, have been selected for this service. Of course these regiments will have an opportunity of voting for or against the service, but no one doubts the result. Both regiments will be en route, in a few days, for the scene of their future laurels.
Affairs at Pensacola.
A letter from a volunteer at Warrington Fla. April 18th, says:
After a journey of two weeks, we arrived here, and found everything looking warlike. Gen. Bragg, so I understand, is going to send us down to Fort McRae, and we have to learn the artillery drill, because we are the best drilled company in the whole volunteer force now stationed here. We have about 8,000 troops here, and more are arriving every day.
Everybody welcomed us heartily when we arrived at Pensacola, as they had heard and read so much about us, and said we were welcome to anything they had. Some of our mess are on guard, and the rest of them cleaning up a parade ground.
Gen. Bragg says he can take Fort Pickens with the forces he has in four hours. We have some of the best batteries in the whole of North America. Our men will take charge of four 10-inch columbiads, throwing 128 pound balls; four 8-inch, throwing 100 pound balls; and will be behind a breastwork about 20 feet thick, including wall and sand-bags.
We will in a few days have here two of the greatest Generals in the world--Gens. Bragg and Beauregard. We have also the best Engineer — that is, the man who superintends the making of mortars bomb-shells, cannon, cannon balls, &c., and also the throwing of shells. It has been acknowledged that he can throw shells with greater accuracy than any other man in the country.
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A Maryland volunteer for the Confederacy. |
The Baltimore American, of Monday, says:
The New York Seventh Regiment left New York at 6 o'clock on Saturday evening, and was expected to reach Baltimore at four o'clock on Friday. We learn from a gentleman who left Philadelphia at 11 o'clock on Friday that Broad street was crowed with people waiting to see them start for Baltimore, whither it was understood they were to start in a special train at 12 o'clock. A dispatch from Philadelphia on Saturday said that they had not left the Broad Street Depot. This, however, must have been intended as a blind, as it is now ascertained that they arrived at Perrymansville on Saturdayafternoon, and having seized the shipferry shipsteamer Maryland, and all the other Susquehana steamers, crossed the bay to Annapolis, where they arrived on Sunday morning. They are said to be accompanied by a large force of Pennsylvanians, and expected to reach Washington from Annapolis by railroad. It was, however, announced yesterday that the truck on the Annapolis branch was being torn up, and the further progress of the troops impeded. At a late hour we received the following dispatch from our correspondent at Annapolis:
Annapolis,April 21, 9 P. M.
This morning the shipsteamer Maryland (the immense railroad ferry best at Havre Grace) came into this port, having on board eight hundred Massachusetts troops, commanded by Col. Butler, en route for Washington. The steamer landed her troops at the Naval Academy, and the shipfrigate Constitution is now being towed out of the river for the purpose of taking the troops to Washington. Another steamer with troops to lying off the harbor, supposed to be the Seventh Regiment of New York. The most intense excitement prevails in the city, and messengers have been sent through- out the country for troops to concentrate here.
We received the following last evening from our Annapolis correspondent:
Annapolis,April 21.
The shipsteamer Maryland arrived here this morning, having on board Col. Butler and eight hundred Massachusetts troops, en route for Washington. The steamer is now lying alongside of the U. S. Ship
Constitution, at the Naval Academy, and all the gates leading from the city to the yard are locked, and additional watchmen guarding the entrances. The Constitution will convey the troops to Washington.
Annapolis Telegraph Office,April 21, 10 Â.M. ½ o'clock.
The telegraph office at the Annapolis junction has been taken possession of by the Government, and the above dispatch is sent by pony express. Another steamer with troops is now coming in the harbor.
We learn that Governor Hicks sent to Colonel Butler a protest against the landing of troops at Annapolis. He accordingly proceeded to the Naval Academy, and landed his men there, over which the Federal Government has exclusive jurisdiction.
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