Hood’s Texas Brigade received a great boost in its reputation at the Battle of Gaines’ Mill on June 27, 1862. This battle was part of the Seven Days Campaign, which was part of George B. McClellan’s drive on Richmond. With a massive enemy within eyesight of the spires of the churches of the capital of the Confederacy, Robert E. Lee quickly reorganized the Confederate Army. He added the eight infantry companies of Hampton’s Legion to Hood’s Brigade and sent Whiting’s Division to Staunton, in the Shenandoah Valley, to reinforce Lieutenant General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson. Jackson had already beaten the Federal Army of Major General Nathaniel Banks and driven him back to the outskirts of Washington, D. C. McClellan reacted as Lee had hoped. He sent McDowell’s 30,000 man corps to Washington to protect the capital. The Texans, Georgians and South Carolinians moved by railroads to Lynchburg, then Charlottesville and then marched to Staunton. Also, when the army was reorganized, Colonel J.J Archer was promoted to brigadier general and J.B. Robertson promoted to full colonel and placed in command of the regiment. W. Brown Botts was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Captain John C. Upton of Company A to major. The officers and men were very happy since they now had an all Texan leadership from top to bottom.
As was his custom,
Stonewall Jackson kept his plans secret but the Texans were very curious and
speculation was rampant. The first phase of Lee’s plan was accomplished,
weakening McClellan, and now he wanted Jackson to reunite with him to turn
McClellan’s flank. A. P. Hill’s Division would cross the Meadow Bridge over the
Chickahominy to attack Mechanicsville from the east, open the turnpike bridge
there for Longstreet’s and D. H. Hill’s men. The four divisions would begin
attacks on Brigadier General Fitz John Porter’s 5th Federal Corps
north of the Chickahominy and capture their supply base at White House. The
united Confederate Army would then destroy the rest of the Federal corps south
of the Chickahominy. Lee placed the divisions of major generals John B.
Magruder and Benjamin Huger in the fortifications around Richmond. In all, Lee
had 90,000 men, which was the largest Confederate Army he would ever have. But,
as with most battle plans, it didn’t go as planned. McClellan at that time had
about 70,000 men.
While the battle was going on without them on June 26, Captain [King] Bryan, leading the 59 members of his company available
for duty, trudged on as they heard the sounds of battle as they came nearer the
field of conflict. During the day they came across Federal outposts and drove
off the pickets. They also encountered a burning bridge, felled trees and other
obstructions to their progress to reach their launch off point for the attack
on Porter. They got as far as Hundley’s Corner on the 26th, and went
into camp there. The next morning, June 27th, they started out again
for the battle, which was somewhere in the Virginia countryside, but they
didn’t know exactly where. Hood’s Texas Brigade was leading the way for Jackson’s command.
While on the way, Whiting’s Division was ordered to support Longstreet on the
Confederate right. Hood finally found the Confederate line at Boatswain Swamp
and soon encountered General Lee himself. Lee explained the situation, that
Confederates had been pounding Porter’s position throughout the day and hadn’t
been able to dislodge it. Then he told Hood, “This must be done.” He
solemnly asked, “Can you break his line?”
Hood replied he would try.
When the
5th Texas moved with the brigade from
Jackson’s command to the center-right, Captain Bryan’s company was put out on
the left flank of the regiment as flankers. This would have exposed them to
enemy sharpshooters and artillery, as
they were moving along the battle line. It was the job of Company F to prevent
the regiment from being out-flanked from the left by a Federal counterattack.
they were moving along, Private Fletcher noticed two men bobbing up and down as if they
could dodge enemy shots. Fletcher pointed out that they were exposing
themselves to more enemy fire, both from the standing and stooping positions.
Soon afterwards, he noted that both men were hit by enemy fire. When 5th
Texas went into line of battle with Longstreet’s Wing, Company F was on the
left of the regiment and they had to advance over rugged ground through a dense
forest. Under these conditions, it would be hard to keep in contact with the
regiment to the left, the 1st Texas,
and possibly leave a gap that the enemy could exploit if the opportunity
presented itself.
The battle alignment of Hood’s Texas
Brigade was Hampton’s Legion on the left, then the 1st Texas, 5th
Texas, the 18th Georgia on the right, and the 4th Texas
in reserve. “The brigade moved gallantly forward, soon becoming engaged from
left to right,” said Hood in his battle report. “The battle raged with great
fury all along the line as these noble troops pressed steadily on, forcing the
enemy to gradually give way.”
Hood ordered the brigade forward, Captain Bryan and his men let go with the
famous “Rebel Yell”, which is an eerie, ancient
Celtic war cry that is also reminiscent of an Indian war whoop. Fletcher called
it a “Texas Yell” and said, Company “F boys
full well knew its meaning was ‘charge’.” They moved forward through an
increasing volume of shot and shell as they approached the first Federal line
of battle, a trench line reinforced by logs.
The going for Company F was slow as they had to pick their way
through heavy underbrush and fallen trees and tree limbs clipped off by Yankee
bullets and shells.
Hood was looking for a place that would offer a more promising opening, and
found it to the right of the 18th Georgia.
There, he found a field that was open, up to the Federal breastworks. “Holding
in reserve the Fourth Texas, I ordered the advance, and
galloped into the open field or pasture, from which point I could see, at a distance
of about eight hundred yards, the position of the Federals. They were heavily
entrenched upon the side of an elevated ridge running a little west and south,
and extending to the vicinity of the Chickahominy,” Hood said. They had to cross Boatswain Creek, and
brave fire from Federal artillery. He marched the 4th Texas to the
field, dressed ranks and ordered them not to fire until he gave the word. Hood
was concerned if they stopped to fire and reload, they would never reach the entrenchments.
Moving through the open field, in which earlier Confederate charges had been
repulsed, they were able to make swift progress. Colonel John Marshall, commander of the 4th,
was killed, along with many others as the concentrated fire of the enemy
steadily depleted their ranks. After crossing the creek, Hood gave orders for
his men to fix bayonets for the last push forward. “With a ringing shout we
dashed up the steep hill, through the abatis, and over the breastworks, upon
the very heads of the enemy. The Federals, panic-stricken, rushed precipitately
to the rear upon the infantry in support of the artillery . .” Hood said. The 4th Texas, with support
from the 18th Georgia, was the first to break Porter’s strong line.
![]() |
Brig. Gen John Bell Hood (Library of Congress) |
Back at
the 5th Texas’ part of the line, Captain Bryan’s Invincibles
were benefiting from the rapidly dissolving Federal battle line. The bullets
were still coming fast and furious at Company F, so Captain Bryan gave the
command for the men to lie down, and Fletcher was ordered forward to
investigate. Using his skills in woodcraft, he crept up on an isolated line of
Federals in a peculiar position. He could have shot the Yankee colonel, but he
felt it was more important to get back to the company and report his findings
to Captain Bryan. The Federals, who
turned out to be the 4th New Jersey Infantry, spotted Fletcher and opened fire on him. While
Fletcher wasn’t hit, it did draw the fire of the New Jersey unit onto Company
F. It got so hot, Captain Bryan had to move them. When he was able to head back toward his company, Fletcher
couldn’t find the unit. When he did find them, there was a brief exchange of
fire between the 4th New Jersey and the 5th Texas.
Private George N. Woods of Company F, was killed in this fusillade close
to the end of the battle. He was just 17- or 18-years-old at the time and
was one of Captain Bryan’s first recruits, having joined the Invincibles June
8, 1861. He was a member of a farm family in Liberty County at the time of his
enlistment. The colonel of the 4th New Jersey, James H. Simpson, realizing his regiment was surrounded and in a
precarious position, surrendered the regiment. Simpson later talked to Major
Upton, who was an old classmate,
expressed his chagrin at having to surrender his sword to a private, rather
than an officer. Upton told him he was wise in doing so because the privates had
been instructed to kill or capture and the killing was not to stop until the
capture was complete.
In his official report, Simpson said
his regiment reached the battlefield about 2:30 p.m. at a double-quick march.
His regiment advanced into the woods to support the 3rd Pennsylvania
Reserves. After about 15 minutes, the
New Jersey boys replaced the Pennsylvanians on the battle line. Simpson said
they fought steadily for about three hours, until 7 o’clock that evening, when
they were relieved by the 11th Pennsylvania Reserves. When they moved to the rear, he noticed a large
body of Confederates on his left. “I therefore immediately changed my front so
as to oppose these troops and be the better able to cope with them, and at the
same time be in a position to cover Colonel Gallagher [of the 11th
Pennsylvania], should he be obliged to retreat. The change was effected, but no
sooner commenced than the troops referred to, began to pour in upon us a very
destructive fire, the hissing of the balls (I can compare them to nothing else)
being like that of a myriad of serpents.”
Simpson, realizing he was in danger of being surrounded and cutoff, and seeing
the 11th Pennsylvania retreating, he ordered the 4th New
Jersey to also retreat. “We had, however, proceeded
but a few yards when I noticed we were moving against a large body of the enemy
[the 5th Texas], drawn up in several lines, and a battery directly
in our rear, to cut us off. The consequence was that being surrounded
overwhelmingly on every side, to the front, flanks and rear, like the Eleventh
Pennsylvania, which had already been captured, we had to suffer the same fate.”
This is when Simpson had to hand his sword over to a private in the 5th
After the battle, when he had a
chance, Private Fletcher talked to Captain Bryan about the scouting mission. He
said, “Captain, I suppose a report now is useless?” The captain replied, “Yes,
but little did I expect to see you again. I was forced to move the company, as
the position was too hazardous.” Fletcher replied, “ I guess they were shooting
at me.” The captain responded, “I thought so, and they would aim lower as you
At the end of the Battle of Gaines’
Mill, the Federal Army next retreated to an equally strong position at Malvern
Hill, where the last battle of the campaign was fought on July 1, 1862. Federal losses at Gaines’ Mill for the
North were 6,387 killed, wounded and missing out of 32,214 men engaged. The
South lost 8,751 casualties out of 57,016 engaged. Hood’s Texas Brigade’s total
casualties were 89 killed, 479 wounded and four missing. The 4th
Texas had the most losses, with 44 killed and 206 wounded. The 1st Texas casualties were 14
killed and 64 wounded. Losses for the 18th Georgia were 16 killed, 126
wounded and three missing. Hampton’s Legion suffered two killed and 18 wounded.
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