[Richmond Daily Dispatch, May 29,1861]
The invasion of
The capture of Capt. Ball's Cavalry and Subsequent treatment.
Shooting of Col. Ellsworth.
Disgraceful conduct on the part of Lincoln's troops.
&c., &c., &c.
[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]
The capture of Capt. Ball's Cavalry and Subsequent treatment.
Shooting of Col. Ellsworth.
Disgraceful conduct on the part of Lincoln's troops.
&c., &c., &c.
[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]
Manassas Junction, May 27, 1861.
Messrs. Editors:--Having seen no authentic statement of the
occupation of Alexandria, it may be of interest to your readers to know some of
the details.
Early on the morning after the election, (about 3 o'clock,)
notice was given that preparations were in active progress for the occupation
of Alexandria by the Federal troops. The Captain of the Pawnee came over with a
flag of truce, and notified Colonel Territt that the troops in town must
surrender or evacuate by 9 o'clock. By order of General Lee, commandant of
Virginia forces, the troops were
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Death of "Heroic" Jackson. (Library of Congress) |
In accordance with the Punic character of the Administration
thus far, the Federal troops were buried in, and captured the larger portion of
Captain Ball's company, and, it is said, handcuffed them, put them on board a
steamboat, and marched them up to Washington and through their streets in
triumph. As remarked above, the capture of the troopers was partly the result
of negligence, but more the result of the Punic faith of the Black Republican
soldiery, it having been well understood, time and again, that the troops would
have until 9 o'clock to evacuate.
Mistrusting the characters of the Black Republicans, most of
the troops collected and returned to the west end of the town, while the
Republican troops were not over two hundred yards distant, and might easily
have had an engagement even with the small force of 600, without artillery, and
having it well understood that no stand was to be made.--The Republican troops,
to the number of several thousand, formed in front of the river, under cover of
the Pawnee, whilst the Flying Artillery came down by the turnpike. The
Confederate troops retired in perfect order, and without any hurry, and having
stopped the train about three or four hundred yards from the depth, about 6
o'clock the cars left for Manassas Junction. The troops stationed in Alexandria
had to have the necessaries of comfort. There all had to be left in consequence
of the shortness of time allowed. The troops are now here having left many
articles of clothing and camp equipments.
It must be all right, now that delay has put us behind in
preparation; but it galls Virginians very much to have to yield their soil,
even for a moment. Trusting to the skill and bravery of our commanding
officers, we hope soon to see the vandals driven from our borders. The vandals
are driving out our citizens, whilst such men as Close, late of the Southern Protection
Office; Liggon, bookseller; Bennett, daguereotypist, and other
"Union" men are acting as special guides to the demons who hold reign
in Alexandria.
Both journals have been discontinued, and the editor of the
Sentinel retired with the soldiers. As yet the offices have not been destroyed,
nor any special violence exhibited How much longer this will continue we can't
sell, as the vandals declare their intention of holding the place for all time.
The affair at the Marshall House you have already heard. Poor
Jackson fell like a hero, having singled out his man. He was asleep, when he
was awaked and informed that a squad of the Zouaves had mounted his roof on the
inside and seized his flag. He immediately put on his pantaloons and shoes and
met Ellsworth as he came down with the flag in his hands, and shot him through
with a double-barrelled shot gun, loaded with buck-shot. The squad of Zouaves,
close by, immediately fired upon him with Minnie rifles, shooting him in the
face, and stabbing him afterwards.
P. S.--There are many other matters of interest which could
not be put in this communication. It is reported since the above was written
that a number of stores have been broken open, the Mansion House seized and
occupied, the depot books torn up and the safe rifled of $75, the Court-House
seized and the papers all burnt, besides a number of arrests made — among the
rest, Robt. Ashby, the merchant, than whom a better man does not live.
In addition to the above, it is positively stated that a
number of rapes have been perpetrated, and all the deeds which you might
naturally expect from an unprincipled set of men who are following in their
These facts are in the main fully authentic; the rest well
sustained by current testimony. It will thus be seen that we must put out our
whole strength, and humbly invoking the blessing of Heaven on our cause,
advance to the rescue of our people, before the vandal hordes gather strength
by our delays and overrun the State. There is no doubt that Richmond is the
great end and aim of the set now sent upon us, and you may rely upon it the
thieves sent among us will burn and pillage as they go, when they are fully
under way.
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