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Gen P.G.T. Beauregard. (CDV, blog author's collection) |
General Beauregard.
On Monday, President Davis, while at Manassas Junction, raised this gallant General from the rank of a Brigadier to the rank of a full General, in token of his admiration of the achievement of Sunday, the 21st. A well deserved honor.
The battle of Stone Bridge.
additional Particulars.
official report of the fight.
additional Particulars.
official report of the fight.
"A Louisianian" communicates the following interesting intelligence to this paper:
To the Editors of the Dispatch:
The gallant Colonel Wheat is not dead, as was reported yesterday, but strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. All Louisiana, and I trust all lovers of heroism in the Confederate States, will say Amen to the prayer, that he and all his wounded compatriots in arms may be restored to the service of their country, to their families and friends, long to live and enjoy the honors due to their dauntless spirits.
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Sketch of a Louisiana Tiger at the First Battle of Manassas. (La. Civil War Centennial Commission) |
I have just read a letter from Capt. George McCausland, Aid to General Evans, written on behalf of Major Wheat to a relative of Lt. Allen C. Dickinson, Adjutant of Wheat's Battalion.
For the information of the family and friends of Lieut. Dickinson, I extract a portion of the letter, viz! "He (Major Wheat,) deeply regrets to say that our dear friend (Lieut. D) was so unfortunate as to receive a wound, which, slight as it is, will prevent him, for some time, from rendering those services now so needed by our country. The would is in the leg, and although very painful, is not dangerous. To one who knows Lieut. D. as he supposes you do, it is unnecessary to say that he received the wound in the front, fighting as a soldier and a Southerner. With renewed assurances of the slightness of the wound, and of his appreciation of Lieut. Dickinson's gallantry, he begs you to feel no uneasiness on his account."
Lieut. Dickinson is a native of Caroline county, Virginia, a relative of the families of Brashear, Magruder and Anderson. For some years he has resided in New Orleans, and at an early period joined a company of Lousianians to fight for the liberties of his country. He fought with his battalion, which was on the extreme left of our army and in the hottest of the contest, until he was wounded. His horse having been killed under him, he was on foot with sword in one hand and revolver in the other, about fifty yards from the enemy, when a Minnie ball struck him. He fell and lay over an hour, when, fortunately, Gen. Beauregard and Staff, and Capt. McCausland, passed. The generous McCausland dismounted and placed Dickinson on his horse.
Of the bravery of Lieut. D., it is not necessary to say a word, when a man so well noted for chivalry as Robert Wheat has said that he appreciated the gallantry of his Adjutant. Lieut. D. is doing well and is enjoying the kind care and hospitality of Mr. Waggoner and family, on Clay street, in this city.
Maj. Wheat's battalion fought on the extreme left, where the battle raged hottest. Although only 400 strong, they, with a Georgia regiment, charged a column of Federalists, mostly regulars, of 3,000. When the battle was over, less than half responded to the call, and some of them are wounded.
When and where all were brave almost to a fault, it would seem invidious to discriminate. But from the position of the battalion, and the known courage of its leader, officers and men, the bloody result might have been anticipated. It is said of one of the companies that, upon reaching the enemy's column, they threw down their rifles, (having no bayonets,) drew their bowie-knives, and cut their way through the enemy, with a loss of two-thirds of the company.
Such was the dauntless bravery of Wheat's battalion, and such is the heroism of the Confederate army.
Whilst we deeply mourn the honored dead, we rejoice that they died on the field of glory, and that by their conduct and their fall, suffering proof has been given to the enemy and the world that the Confederate States cannot be subjugated. Louisiana.
The following, from another correspondent, relates to a well-known citizen of Richmond. We cordially endorse the suggestion that Sergeant Massenburg deserves promotion for gallant and meritorious services:
Now that the smoke of the battle at Manassas is being cleared off, we may begin to give some of the more remarkable incidents of the day, and some of the many instances of individual fearlessness and valor.
Sergeant James Massenburg, noted in Richmond as one of the best drill-masters before entering the service, is among those whose personal valor should be specially noticed. He belongs to the Thomas Artillery, of this city, an independent company, which was engaged for at least five hours in the hottest of the fight at Manassas. Early in the engagement, Sergeant Massenburg was stricken by a fragment from a bursting bombshell of the enemy, felled to the ground, and was borne from the field as among the dead.--In about half an hour he so far recovered as to be able to crawl back to his guns, and by his cheerfulness and encouraging words, did much to animate his almost famished companions. He was highly recommended to the Governor for a Lieutenancy before entering the service, and now that he has shown himself so eminently entitled to promotion, will no doubt receive it at the hands of the President, than whom no one better knows the value of such a soldier. Junius.
North Carolina Sixth.
We are gratified to learn, from the Enquirer, that the extent of the disasters suffered by this gallant regiment is far less than the reports have described. The rumor that they had been dreadfully cut up, grew doubtless out of the fact that, exhausted by the ardor of battle, and the fatigue of the subsequent pursuit of the enemy, they failed to return to camp, but bivouacked on the ground, where night overtook them. Provisions were sent to them by order of President Davis. These they greatly needed, having gone immediately from the cars to the battle, after eating no meal since Saturdaymorning. It is believed that no officer, save the lamented Col. Fisher, was killed.
A gallant Marylander killed.
In the list of the slain in the battle of last Sunday, we regret to see the name of Colonel Thomas, of Maryland, one of the aids to Gen. Johnston. Col. Thomas belonged to a family prominently and honorably identified with the history of Maryland for a century past. He was ardently attached to his native State, and felt keenly her present humiliation. He has fallen a martyr to the cause of Southern independence.
Interesting incident.
A correspondent of the Petersburg Express relates the following:
One of the most interesting incidents of the battle is presented in the case of Wylie P. Mangum, jr., son of Ex-Senator Mangum, of North Carolina. This young man was attached to Colonel Fisher's Regiment, I believe, and owes the preservation of his life to a copy of the Bible presented to him by his sister.--He had the good book in his left coat pocket. It was struck by a ball near the edge, but the book changed the direction of the bullet, and it glanced off, inflicting a severe, but not dangerous flesh wound. The book was saturated with blood, but the advice written on a fly leaf by the sister who gave it, was perfectly legible. It read thus: "To my brother. He will read a portion of this blessed word everyday, and remember his sister."
Who took Sherman's battery?
The Lynchburg Virginian asserts that it was Colonel J. A. Early, at the head of his gallant brigade, who charged upon and took the Sherman battery. The Virginian has this from a returned soldier who was in the fight on Sunday, and has learned it from several other sources. Gen. Beauregard pronounced it the most splendid military achievement he ever witnessed.
Col. James Preston, of Montgomery, bore a conspicuous and gallant part in the capture of the battery, and was the first to lay his hand upon a gun, for which offence a retreating Yankee gave him a shot in the arm. We may also mention here that the 7th and 24th Virginia Regiments and the 7th Louisiana, form Col. Early's brigade.
Some of the killed and wounded.
Capt. Hale, of the Grayson Dare-Devils (says the Lynchburg Republican,) is among the killed in the battle on Sunday at Manassas. A large number of his company were also killed and many wounded. They were in the thickest of the fight, and acted in the most gallant manner.
Lieut. John W. Daniel, son of Judge Wm. Daniel, of Lynchburg, fought gallantly and fell painfully but not dangerously wounded in the battle at Stone Bridge. He is not over eighteen years of age, and had just attached himself to the Confederate Army.
Capt. William Edmondson, of one of the Roanoke companies, was badly wounded in the battle at Stone Bridge on Sunday. His right jaw-bone was broken and his shoulder terribly incinerated by a shell, besides receiving a musket ball in his arm.
Capt. Winston Radford and Alexander Irvin, of the Bedford Cavalry, and Valentine Rucker, of Amherst, Lieutenant in Captain Whitehead's company of Cavalry, were killed in making the magnificent charge which was made after the battle.
Farmville Guards.
The Farmville (Va.) Journal says:
We learn that the "Guards" were in the fight of Sunday, for about three hours, and lost but one man--Mr. Wm. A. Wilson, who was killed. Mr. W. was a most estimable young man, and the intelligence of his death will bring sorrow to many hearts. His friends will have, however, the consolation of knowing that he died defending the cause of freedom and his native land.
We learn, also, that during the fight, or the fight of the enemy, our friend John Jenkins, a "high private" in the Guards, captured two live Yankees and carried them safe into camp.
Determined to subjugate us.
The Northern Congressmen and journals redouble their menaces of death and destruction to the South. The South scorns and defies them. They don't know the people they are dealing with. They can never overrun this country. Their threats to violate women, to despoil farms, to make us their vassals, would convert even a nation of cowards into a nation of heroes. What, then, must be its effect upon a race as heroic as ever lived in all the tide of time? Nor need they misconstrue the calm contempt of the South for the foolish boastings of their vulgar Congressmen, and its forbearance to prisoners as the result of fear or a desire to propitiate them. The answer of the South to their brutal slang is in her sword — such an answer as they received at Bethel Church, at Bull's Run, and at Manassas. Let them multiply their forces. We shall have as many men in the field as themselves, and that will be twice as many as we shall need. Let them go on with their threats to hang Jeff. Davis and his Cabinet. When they begin their hanging game on the humblest son of the South that breathes, the best life they have shall pay for it, and if Lincoln and his Cabinet are not swung from one scaffold, it will be because they have concluded to conduct the war with humanity, or have escaped from Washington in Scotch caps, long cloaks, and fast midnight trains.
The Washington Artillery.
--We had the pleasure of an interview, yesterday, with Corporal E. C. Payne, of the Washington (N. O.) Artillery Battalion, which performed such an important part in the battle at Stone Bridge. It was this gentleman who was wounded in the action, and not private John Payne, as heretofore reported. The wound is, fortunately, not serious; though, under the circumstances, he had a narrow cacaos.--A fragment of shell struck him on the head and knocked him senseless, while he was bravely at work at his gun. The casualties to the Battalion in the two engagements are as follows in the battle of Bull's Run--Private George W.M killed; Captain Eshleman, and Privates Baker, Tarleton, Tully and Zebal, wounded. In the battle at Stone Bridge--Sergeants Joshua Reynolds, killed; Corporal Payne and Private Grawher, wounded. It is gratifying to know that all the wounded are recovering.