[Richmond Daily Dispatch, July 3, 1862]
The great battle.
Terrible fights of Monday [June 30] and Tuesday [July 1].
heroism of our troops — their Spirits Buoyant.
Critical situation of the Yankee forces.
&c., &c., &c.,
Since the issue of our paper yesterday no information has reached us
of the transactions of our own and the enemy's forces calculated to
discourage the hope that the grand army of McClellan is completely
The determined stands made by the Federal forces on Monday and Tuesday
were only the last desperate struggles against ignominious capture or
utter annihilation.
Their condition is one of desperation, and it is but natural that they
should struggle with energy to avert the fate that awaits them. Terrible fights of Monday [June 30] and Tuesday [July 1].
heroism of our troops — their Spirits Buoyant.
Critical situation of the Yankee forces.
&c., &c., &c.,
Monday Afternoons fight.
We have already laid before our readers such accounts of the
desperate and determined fight of Monday evening as we were enabled to
gather from the most authentic sources.
An active participant in that memorable engagement has furnished a
detailed account of the part borne by the division of Gen. A. P. Hill in
this struggle.
This division went into the fight about half past 5 o'clock P. M., and
was actively engaged from that time until its close, after 9 o'clock at
night. The 40th Virginia Regiment, Fields' Brigade, Col. Brockenbrough commanding, was deployed as skirmishers, three hundred yards to the right, separating them from the balance of the brigade, which was ordered forward. The regiment was then withdrawn as skirmishers, and placed in the rear of the division, which was advancing rapidly to the field in regular line of battle. After advancing in this order for some distance, they were thrown out upon the left, through a heavy tract of woods — emerging from which they encountered a strong force of the enemy, who threw themselves upon the ground and awaited the approach of the regiment. When within one hundred and fifty yards of this body, which we learn, was partly composed of the 57th N. Y. regiment, a most murderous and destructive fire was opened upon them and it is believed that not loss than seventy-five of our men fell from the first volley. This, as might have been expected, produced some confusion in the regiment, and they fell back to the woods, hotly pursued by the exultant foe. Many of the regiment, it
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Brig. Gen. Charles W. Field |
On a hill, obliquely to the right of Gen. Hill's advance, was posted a battery of some twelve pieces, which had been twice captured during the afternoon by our forces under Gen. Longstreet, but recaptured by the enemy. This battery, the brigade of Gen. Fields--reduced in numbers and worn out with fatigue from their participation in every general engagement since Thursday--was ordered to charge. With spirit and alacrity they responded to the order, and with close rank and steady step they moved forward to its execution. In their approach to the battery, they fired three or four rounds, and then engaged the enemy with the bayonet. Here the struggle was bloody and determined, but after a most obstinate resistance, the enemy was driven from his pieces, and pressed back some two hundred yards in a hand-to-hand engagement. This charge was made by three regiments — the 47th, 53d and 60th Virginia.
The other brigades of the division coming up to the support of Fields, finding the enemy routed, commenced cheering vociferously. The Federal General, McCall, hearing this cheering, and mistaking the source from whence it came, rode up and said, "Hurrah, boys; I am glad you have held the battery. Hold on for a short time and reinforcements will be up to sustain you!" He was accompanied by Major Biddle, his Adjutant-General, Major Williams, another aid, and two couriers. Suspecting that he had, perhaps, made a mistake, he asked what regiment it was that held the battery. An officer present replied, the 47th Virginia. On obtaining this information, Majors Williams and Biddle and the two couriers wheeled about and endeavored to effect their escape. They were fired upon, and Major Biddle shot through the head and killed instantly. The others, so far as is known, escaped without injury. Gen. McCall being in advance of his party, was brought to a stand by a private in the 47th regiment, who drew his gun upon him and demanded his surrender. His sword was received by Major Mayo. The General was particularly solicitous that no indignity should be offered him, when he was emphatically assured by Major Mayo that he had not fallen into the hands of a soldiery unacquainted with the usages of civilized warfare. Under an escort, McCall was then sent to Gen. Hill.
About 9 o'clock the brigade of Gen. Anderson was advanced to the front and drawn up in line of battle. Several volleys were fired into the woods where the enemy had taken shelter, which had the effect to disperse them, and the fight closed for the evening. During the engagement Gen. Anderson was knocked from his horse by the fragment of a shell striking him on the side of the head. He was missed after the fight was ended, and it was feared that he had been captured; but on Tuesdaymorning he came in tolerably well, but considerably bruised about the head.
Tuesday's operations.
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Pvt. Edwin F. Jemison, Co. C., 2nd La. Inf., KIA, July 1, Malvern Hill |
Heavy bodies of infantry were advanced to the support of our artillery, and a general fight ensued, which resulted in the repulse and temporary withdrawal of the enemy; but, ultimately rallying and bringing to their aid a battery on their-right, they opened a fierce oblique fire on the left flank of our forces then in action. This fire, which was excessively severe, was continued without intermission, and responded to with spirit by our own artillery until 6 o'clock P. M.
An intermission of some half hour then occurred, during which time, according to the representation of prisoners subsequently captured, the enemy at this point were heavily reinforced, when the fight was again renewed, our centre and right of line becoming engaged. For three successive hours there was kept up one unbroken roar of artillery and musketry, which, for fierce intensity, exceeded anything that has occurred in the whole series of bloody battles around Richmond. The very earth trembled beneath the deafening and incessant peals. Notwithstanding the fatigue and well night exhausted condition of our men, from their almost superhuman labors of the previous six days, they entered this fight with an ardor and readiness, plainly indicating their unchangeable determination to conquer of die. About 9½ or 10 o'clock, our artillery ceased firing, having effectually silenced the batteries of the enemy. This, however, it is due to say, was the only perceptible advantage gained by this wing of the army in the afternoon's operations. The loss sustained by both contending parties was heavy. Now many on either side it is impossible to state, or even give an approximate estimate.
Whilst these operations were going on the left wing of our army, a scarcely less severe fight was progressing on the right, where the division of Gen. Huger was engaged. The brigades of Mahone and Armistead had been exerting themselves against a largely overwhelming force of the enemy, but being compelled to fall back in order to rest their men. Gen. Ranson's brigade was ordered forward. It consisted of five regiments, viz: 24th, Col. Clark; 25th, Col. Kutledge, 26th, Col. Vance; 35th, Col. Ransom, and 49th, Col. Ramseur, all North Carolina troops. They were ordered to charge two heavy batteries, that were supported by not less than five Federal brigades, and all the while they were marching up to make the charge were under three fires. They did not falter, however, but went forward into the very teeth of the enemy without so much as the slightest indication of hesitation. It was, beyond question, one of the hardest fights, and one of the most desperate charges, that has been made during the whole war. This one brigade engaged the main body of the enemy's army at this point, and when compelled to withdraw did so in the most perfect order, and with the most undaunted spirit. Gen. Ranson fearlessly and intrepidly led his brigade on horseback, and was during the whole continuance of the fight, exposed to the leaden hall of the enemy.
Col. M. W. Ranson, of the 35th regiment, was wounded in the early part of the fight by a Minnie ball in the arm, but remained at the head of his regiment, rallying and cheering his men, till struck by a piece of shell in the side and prostrated. Lieut. Col. Pettway then took command of the regiment, but was almost immediately killed. Colonel Ramseur, of the 49th, was wounded, and the casualties are very large throughout the entire brigade. We held our ground, and Gen. Ranson and his men slept upon the field they had formerly occupied, and but for the pelting rain would have renewed the fight yesterday morning.
There were, doubtless, other divisions and brigades engaged at different points along the line, who acquitted themselves with the same heroic and determined courage as that of the gallant Ranson; but being unapprised of their particular participation in this grand struggle for the defence of liberty, we are not prepared to notice them specially.
Yesterday's operations.
Notwithstanding the heavy rains of yesterday, the two armies were
not inactive, though we have no report of any severe fighting.
The latest accounts we have inform us that the enemy, finding some
difficulty in getting off the bulk of their forces by the way of Turkey
Island, had moved to their left, in the direction of Deep Bottom, where
there are good landings and deep water.
But their retreat was cut off by our troops occupying the New Market
road, while they were also being attacked along the lines of the Long
Bridge and the Quaker roads.
These three roads form a triangle of about one and a half or two miles
area of low and heavily timbered land, with thick undergrowth and which,
in wet weather, is almost impassable. If this information is correct — and we cannot doubt it — the total surrender must be only a question of time; and, in the absence of supplies, can not be postponed more than one or two days.
Federal Barbarity.
On Monday last, in the fight near Willis's Church, Winfield Byrd, of
the 11th Alabama regiment, was taken prisoner by the Yankees uninjured.
After his capture two Yankee officers assaulted him with their
swords--one of them piercing him through the side, the other striking at
his head.
The blow was warded off by Byrd with his hand, and while his head was
protected the blow was received on the arm and hand, inflicting a
painful wound.
The Yankees were subsequently driven back and Byrd recaptured.
He is now at a house near the church. --Woodward, of the same regiment,
was wounded, and is at the same place.
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