Saturday, May 11, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, May 11.

Click ðŸ‘‰Today in History (general history) May 11. 

On This Day in Confederate History, May 11.

1862: C.S.S. Virginia is destroyed in Virginia by the Confederates to prevent it from falling into Federal hands. It was the first Confederate ironclad in battle and had great success against some of the best Federal Navy wooden warships. However, the North's ironclad U.S.S. Monitor canceled out its advantage.

1864: Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, commander of the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia, is mortally wounded at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, Va. The 4,500 Confederate troopers under Stuart blocked Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan's 12,000  Federal cavalry attempted to raid Richmond, but Stuart was wounded just as the Yankees were retreating. Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee is put in temporary command of the Confederate cavalry. The Federals suffered 635 casualties. The Confederates lost 300 men captured.

Maj. Gen. James E.B. Stuart

At Rocky Face Ridge, Georgia, in the Atlanta Campaign, Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman withdraws his army and heads for Resaca. General Joseph Johnston moves his Army of Tennessee to block Sherman again at Resaca.

Red River Campaign: In Louisiana,
Maj. Gen. Camille Polignac's Texas and Louisiana Infantry Division moves from LeCompte, La. toward Marksville, La. to cut off any attempts by a Federal relief force to save Banks at Alexandria. The Federal gunboats have also been shelling Confederate-reoccupied Fort DeRussy.

Maj. Gen. Camille de Polignac

Confederate General Birthdays, May 11.


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