Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Today in History (general history)/ On This day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, March 25.

Click 👉TODAY IN HISTORY (general history) March 25.


1863: Confederates make it difficult for Federals to extricate their remaining boats and troops after the Steele's Bayou Expedition near Vicksburg, Miss. Confederates had slipped around Porter's flotilla and felled some trees in the rear, possibly cutting the flotilla off from the troops. Porter sent Sherman an appeal for help and he received it. Reinforcements rush to the scene so Porter's flotilla can safely retreat.

1864: The Battle of Paducah, Kentucky takes place between Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest with 3,000 troopers, and the Federal garrison there under the command of Col. Stephen G. Hicks, 650 men in Fort Anderson. The fort was also supported by two Federal gunboats on the Ohio River. Forrest occupied the town and demanded Hicks surrender his command, but the Federal commander refused. Forrest decided it would be too costly to assault the fort so he decided instead to take all the supplies and livestock he could and leave. But some of the Kentuckians in his command assaulted the fort on their own unsuccessfully. The Confederates suffered 90 casualties and the Federals 50.

1865: Confederates launch an attack on Fort Stedman at Petersburg. Maj. Gen. John Brown Gordon leads 10,000 Southern troops in a desperate attempt to break the siege. Defending the fort are some 14,898 Federals under Maj. Gen. John G. Parke. The Confederates attacked early achieved surprise and occupied part of the fort. But when Federal reinforcements arrive, Gordon, with permission from General Robert E. Lee who was on the scene watching, withdraws the Southerners. Confederate casualties were 72 killed, 450 wounded, and 522 captured or missing. The Federals lost 600 killed, 2,400 wounded, and 1,000 captured or missing.
Col. Eugene Waggaman led the 
Consolidated Louisiana Brigade as
the tip of the spear, spearheading the
Confederate attack for Gen. Clement A. Evans' 
Division  in the Battle of Fort Stedman


Major General William Thompson Martin was born on this day in 1823 in Glasgow, Kentucky. Prior to the war, he was a district attorney who opposed secession in Mississippi. During the war, he raised cavalry troops and served as a colonel under Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart. He was promoted to brigadier general in January 1863. His battles included Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Stuart's Ride Around McClellan's Army, the Seven Days Battles, Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Dumfries, and Occoquan. He was promoted to major general and transferred to the Army of Tennessee in 1863 and commanded a division under Maj. Gen. Fighting Joe Wheeler. He took part in the Tullahoma Campaign, Chickamauga, Knoxville, and Atlanta, and then commanded the Northwest District of Mississippi. Following the war, he practiced in Mississippi and died March 16, 1910, in Natchez, Miss., and was buried in Natchez City Cemetery.

Maj. Gen. William T. Martin
Brigadier General Martin Witherspoon Gary was born on this day in 1831 in Cokesbury, South Carolina. Prior to the war, he practiced law at Edgefield, S.C., was elected to the state legislature in 1860, and supported secession. During the war, he started in 1861 as a captain in Hampton's Legion infantry and fought in the First Battle of Manassas. He rose to the command of a regiment and fought in various battles in Virginia before being transferred in 1863 to the Army of Tennessee. He was promoted to brigadier general and was transferred back to the Army of Northern Virginia and commanded a cavalry brigade. Gary refused to surrender at Appomattox and escorted President Davis with 200 cavalrymen to Greensboro, N.C., and left the army at that time. After the war, he practiced law in Edgefield, S.C. again and fought against Radical Republicans in his state. After Reconstruction, he was elected to the state senate until 1881 and moved to Cokesbury, S.C., and died there on April 9, 1881.

Brig. Gen. Martin W. Gary


Monday, March 24, 2025

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, March 24.

 Click 👉TODAY IN HISTORY (general history) March 24. 


1863: Confederate forces foil General Grant's efforts to bypass Vicksburg, Mississippi. Grant ordered Sherman to cease Steele's Bayou Expedition on this day. This was a Confederate victory in the Vicksburg Campaign.

1864: Red River Campaign: In Louisiana, while Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor is still waiting for reinforcements from Texas and Arkansas, Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Banks arrives in Alexandria and orders his still-gathering forces to begin their advance on Shreveport, the Confederate headquarters for the Trans-Mississippi Dept. Banks, however, is faced with the low water level of the Red River and orders to return Major Gen. A.J. Smith's 10,000 troops borrowed from Vicksburg, by April 15.

Col. Henry Gray
He commanded Mouton's Brigade in
the Red River Campaign. He was promoted to
brigadier general before the end of the war.
(Library of Congress)

1865: General Robert E. Lee plans to cut the Federal supply line and force Grant to constrict the Yankee siege line by launching an offensive at Fort Stedman, Petersburg, Va. The desperate assault will be launched by Maj. Gen. John Brown Gordon the next day.


Brig. Gen. William Henry Wallace was born on this day in 1827 in Laurens District, South Carolina. He was a pre-war planter, newspaperman, and politician who supported secession. During the war, he rose from private in the 18th South Carolina Infantry, to lieutenant, captain, lieutenant colonel, and then to brigadier general in 1864. His battles included the Second Battle of Manassas, Sharpsburg, the defense of Charleston, S.C., and the Siege of Petersburg, Va. He was disabled by the mine explosion there on July 30, 1864, called the Battle of the Crater. He finished the war with General Lee at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. Following the war, Wallace practiced law in South Carolina and returned to farming, and again served in the state legislature and as a circuit judge. He died March 21, 1901, at Union, S.C., and was buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery there.

Brig. Gen. William H. Wallace

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Today in History/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, March 22.

Click 👉TODAY IN HISTORY (general history) March 22. 


1862: Gen. Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley Campaign received orders from Gen. Joseph E. Johnston that he was to not let Gen. Nathaniel Banks' Federals leave the valley. Jackson's army marches 22 miles on this day to catch the retreating Yankees. Jackson's cavalry, under Col. Turner Ashby, fights a skirmish with the Federals under Maj. Gen. James Shields, who is wounded in the engagement.

Lt. Gen. T.J. "Stonewall Jackson
(Click on the image to enlarge)

1863: More fighting continues in the vicinity of Murfreesboro, Tenn. between the blue and the gray. In Kentucky, Brig. Gen. John Hunt Morgan and Brig. Gen. John Pegram both continue their raids in Kentucky. 

1865: Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest has been dispatched to stop the Federal cavalry raid of Brig. Gen. James H. Wilson, which began on this day with 13,480 troopers. But the Confederates only had some 5,000 men poorly equipped and widely scattered to stop them.


General Braxton Bragg was born on this day in 1817 in Warrenton, North Carolina. He graduated from West Point in 1837 ranking fifth out of 50 graduates in the class. In his U.S. Army career, he served in the Seminole War and the Mexican War where he performed brilliantly commanding an artillery battery. Bragg resigned from the army effective Jan. 3, 1855, and became a sugar cane planter in southeast Louisiana. He was also active politically and a major general in the Louisiana militia. On orders from the governor, he led 500 state militia in a non-violent takeover of the U.S. Arsenal in Baton Rouge on Jan. 11, 1861. With the formation of the Confederacy, he became a brigadier general in the Confederate and was quickly promoted to major general and led a corps in the Battle of Shiloh. He took command of what would be renamed the Army of Tennessee. His abrasive personality and martinet treatment of the men alienated many of his subordinate generals and enlisted men. He led the army in the battles of Perryville, Murfreesboro, Tullahoma, Chickamauga, and Missionary Ridge, after which he resigned his command. At the end of the war, he again led troops in defeats at Second Fort Fisher, Wyse Fork, and Bentonville. He had a wide range of jobs after the war and finally moved to Texas and died there in Galveston on Sept. 27, 1876, and was buried in Magnolia Cemetery in Mobile, Alabama.

Gen. Braxton Bragg

Major General William Henry Chase Whiting was born on this day in Biloxi, Mississippi. He graduated first in his class at West Point in 1845. He had a variety of assignments as an engineer in the army but missed service in the Mexican-American War. Whiting resigned from the U.S. Army on Feb. 20, 1861, joined the Confederate Army engineer serving under General Beauregard at Charleston, S.C. improving defenses there, and was promoted to brigadier general. He also served as the chief engineer on the staffs of other generals and was assigned to command a division in the Peninsula Campaign and was made a wing commander at Seven Pines on May 31, June 1, 1862. Whiting led his division at Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, and was given command of the District of Wilmington, North Carolina. Whiting was wounded in the thigh and captured at the Second Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C. He died a prisoner of war on March 10, 1865, of dysentery at Fort Columbus on Governors Island, New York. 

Maj. Gen. William H.C. Whiting

Brigadier General William Wirt Adams was born on this day in 1819 in Frankfort, Kentucky. Prior to the war, he gained a little military experience when he joined the army in 1839 in the Republic of Texas as a private. He was promoted captain and adjutant of a regiment and took part in a campaign against Indians in northeast Texas. Adams moved back to Mississippi and became a banker and was elected to two terms in the Mississippi legislature. In the War For Southern Independence, he became a brigadier general and led a cavalry brigade. His battles included Shiloh, Corinth, Iuka, Hatchie's Bridge, Raymond, Champion Hill, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, and Meridian. He was paroled at Gainesville, Alabama, on May 12, 1865. Following the war, he had a variety of jobs in Mississippi, including as a revenue agent, and postmaster. He was killed May 1, 1888, in Jackson, Miss. in a gun battle with a newspaper editor who had criticized him, and he also killed the editor. Adams was buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Jackson.

Brig. Gen. William W. Adams

Brigadier General Francis Asbury Shoup was born on this day in 1834 in Laurel, Indiana. He graduated from West Point in 1855, fifteenth in his class of 34 cadets. He served in the Seminole War and resigned from the army on Jan. 10, 1860, and settled in Indianapolis, Ind. where he was a lawyer and commanded the Indianapolis Zouave militia. He moved to St, Augustine, Florida in 1860 to continue his legal career. With the coming of the war, his Southern sympathies led him into the Confederate Army and he served as chief of artillery under Maj. Gen. William J. Hardee at the Battle of Shiloh. Shoup was promoted to brigadier general on Sept. 12, 1862, and he commanded a division at the Battle of Prairie Grove. Shoup commanded a Louisiana brigade at the Siege of Vicksburg, being captured along with the garrison at the end. After being exchanged, he served in the Battle of Atlanta and became the chief of staff for General John Bell Hood in the Army of Tennessee. Following the war, Shoup was a professor at the University of Mississippi and the University of the South. Shoup also became an Episcopal rector. He died Sept. 4, 1896, in Columbia, Tenn., and was buried at the University of the South.

Brig. Gen. Francis A. Shoup

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, March 21.

Click 👉TODAY IN HISTORY (general history) March 21. 


1864:   The Battle of Henderson Hill, Louisiana occurred on this day during the Red River Campaign when part of the 2nd Louisiana Cavalry and Edgar's Battery, 1st Texas Light Artillery were surprised and captured by the 35th Iowa Infantry and 33rd Missouri Infantry upriver from Alexandria, Louisiana. The Federals made their approach during wretched weather with rain and hail helping mask their approach, after dark, guided by deserters and jayhawkers. The two Federal regiments pushed forward toward the camp of the 2nd Louisiana Cavalry, commanded by Colonel William Vincent. At about 10:30 p.m., the guards at eight Confederate picket posts were surprised and captured without a shot being fired. Then at about midnight, the bluecoats found the main Confederate camp, and the 35th Iowa surrounded and captured some of the Southerners in a house and a section of Edgar's Battery before their presence had been discovered. The Confederate guns were ready with horses hitched and two of the pieces loaded with canisters, but obviously, the men were not ready. The two Federal regiments then fixed bayonets and moved in on the rest of the camp, captured another section of the artillery, and then the cavalrymen, some of whom were mounting their horses. Only a few shots were fired in resistance. While Colonel Vincent escaped, 16 officers and 206 men were captured, along with horses, cavalry equipment, and artillery pieces, and the encampment was completely destroyed. Confederate General Richard Taylor lost most of the available cavalry he had at that time.

1st Lt. William B. Champlin, Co.D & F, 2nd La. Cav. 
He was captured on Nov. 30, 1863, near the Salt
Works near New Iberia, La., and exchanged Dec.
31, 1863. (Printerest, quarter plate ambrotype)

A Confederate cavalryman,
as indicated by the "C" for
 cavalry buttons on his shell jacket.
(CDV, M.D. Jones Collection)

1865: On the last day of the Battle of Bentonville, N.C., there is heavy fighting on the Confederate left at the Mill Creek bridge, which was on the Confederate line of retreat. General Joseph Johnston's forces are able to halt the Federal advance. On the first day of the battle, March 19, 1865, the Confederates made several unsuccessful attacks on the Federal, and they dug in and went on the defensive. On the second day of fighting both combatants engaged in skirmishing. Johnston successfully withdrew his army on the night of March 21. The battle cost the Confederates 239 killed, 1,694 wounded, and 673 missing. Federal losses were 194 killed, 1,112 wounded, and 221 missing. Sherman continued toward Petersburg, Va.

Gen. Joseph E. Johnston



Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate general birthdays, March 19.

Click 👉TODAY IN HISTORY (general history) March 19.


1863: Confederate Brigadier General [John S.] Bowen reported that morning the sloop-of-war U.S.S. Hartford, with Adm. David G. Farragut on board, and the gunboat U.S.S. Albatross engaged the batteries at Grand Gulf, Mississippi. The two warships were the only two that successfully passed the big guns of Port Hudson, La. on March 14 and they were on their way to Vicksburg, Mississippi. Bowen wrote, "Colonel [William] Wade, commanding the Parrott battery, reserved his fire, as directed until the vessels were nearly opposite his guns. The Hartford kept between the shore and the gunboat. As soon as he opened, the latter made the best possible time around the point, and all the fire was directed against the sloop of war. The firing was accurate, and almost every shot struck the mark, but with what effect could not be perceived. They answered with heavy guns but harmed nothing except a battery flagstaff."

1864: Red River Campaign: While the Confederates continue to concentrate 50 miles from Natchitoches, La., the Federals do the same at Alexandria. On this day the Federal cavalry under Brig. Gen. Albert L. Lee arrived. neither Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks, commander of the Army of the Gulf, nor Maj. Gen. A.J. Smith has yet to arrive at Alexandria, which continues to delay the campaign and give the Confederates time to concentrate.


Brigadier General Johnson Kelly Duncan was born on this day in 1827 in York, Pennsylvania. He graduated from West Point in 1849 ranking 5th in his class of 43 cadets. Duncan was breveted a second lieutenant and assigned to the 2nd U.S. Artillery. He was soon promoted to second lieutenant and transferred to the 3rd U.S. Artillery. After seeing some action in the Seminole War in Florida, he served at various posts around the country. Duncan was promoted to 1st Lt. in 1853 and resigned in 1855. In private life, he moved to New Orleans where he became Superintendent of Construction and Repairs and worked closely with Maj. P.G.T. Beauregard of the Army Corps of Engineers on the U.S. Customs House and area forts. Before the war, he served as a captain in the Louisiana State Militia on Gov. T.O. Moore's staff. After Louisiana's secession, he delivered the governor's demand for surrender to the U.S. Arsenal in Baton Rouge. Duncan sided with the South in the war and was made the lieutenant colonel of the 1st Louisiana Regular Artillery Regiment (Regulars), was promoted to colonel in the Confederate Army (regulars) and then to brigadier general on January 7, 1862. Duncan commanded Forts Jackson and St. Philip south of New Orleans on the Mississippi River and other fortifications in the district. He was taken captive on April 28, 1862, and when exchanged, became chief of staff for Gen. Braxton Bragg. Johnson died of malaria on Dec. 18, 1862, at Knoxville, Tenn., and was buried at the Carnton Plantation in Franklin, Tenn.

Brig. Gen. Johnson K. Duncan

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, March 20.

Click 👉TODAY IN HISTORY (general history) March 20.


1862: In the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Maj. Gen. Stonewall Jackson and his army advance from Strasburg, Va. as the Federal forces retreat. Some light skirmishing occurs.

1863: The Battle of Vaught's Hill, Tenn. occurs between Brig. Gen. John Hunt's Morgan's Confederate Cavalry Division, numbering 3,500 men, and Colonel Albert S. Hall's Federal brigade of 1,300. Hall managed to repel Morgan's attacks and bombardment. Morgan retires after receiving word those enemy reinforcements are on the way from Murfreesboro. The Confederates lost 373 men while the Federals lost 62.

1864: In the Red River Campaign, Confederate Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor dispatched Col. William G. Vincent's 2nd Louisiana Cavalry and Edgar's Texas Battery to Bayou Rapides, 20 miles from occupied Alexandria, La., and they began skirmishing with Federals sent out by Maj. Gen. A.J. Smith's forces were there to find the Confederates.

Confederate cavalryman
Painting by William L. Sheppard

1865: Carolinas Campaign: Confederate forces of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, 21,900 men, at Bentonville, North Carolina face Federals in Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum's corps, whose advance was halted the previous day. As the Federals received reinforcements from Sherman's main army, only light skirmishing occurred on this day.


Maj. Gen. George Bibb Crittenden was born this day in 1812 in Russellville, Kentucky. He was an 1832 graduate of West Point and fought in the Black Hawk War of that year as a second lieutenant. He resigned in 1833, became a lawyer, and in 1842 moved to the Republic of Texas and joined the army there. Crittenden took part in the Mier Expedition in 1843 to Mexico and was captured but exchanged. He also took part in the Mexican-American War in 1846 with the U.S. Army and was promoted to major for gallantry at the battles of Churubusco and Contreras. In the war for Southern Independence, Crittenden became a colonel in the Confederate Army on March 16, 1861, and was promoted to brigadier general on Aug. 15, 1861, and to major general on Nov. 9, 1861. His only battle was the Battle of Mill Springs on Jan. 19, 1862, and defeated. Crittenden resigned as a general when faced with a charge of drunkenness and reverted to colonel and served various posts for the rest of the war. Following the war, Crittenden was the state librarian in Kentucky from 1867 to 1871. He died Nov. 27, 1880, and was buried in the State Cemetery in Frankfort, Ky.

Maj. Gen. George B. Crittenden

Brig. Gen. William Nelson Rector Beall was born on this day in 1825 in Bardstown, Kentucky. He graduated 30th in his West Point Class of 1848 participated in various Indian wars and achieved the rank of captain. He resigned in 1861 and joined the Confederate Army. Beall was appointed a brigadier general on April 11,1862 and commanded a brigade at the Siege of Port Hudson, La. in 1863. He surrendered with the Port Hudson garrison on July 9, 1863. In 1864 Beall was appointed by the Confederate government, with Federal approval, to be an agent selling cotton in New York City to supply Confederate P.O.W.s with uniforms and supplies. The Federals suspended his parole and incarcerated him at Fort Warren in New York Harbor. He wasn't released until August 2, 1865. In the post-war period, Beall lived in St. Louis, Mo., and worked as a general commission merchant. He died July 25, 1883, in McMinnville, Tenn., and was buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery in Nashville, Tenn.

Brig. Gen. William. R.B. Beall

Brig. Gen. John Echols was born on this day in 1823 in Lynchburg, Virginia. He spent one year, 1841-42, at the Virginia Military Institute but resigned and later attended Washington College and Harvard College and became a lawyer and Virginia politician. In 1861, he first joined the Virginia state forces as a lieutenant colonel and then a colonel of the 27th Virginia Infantry. Echols fought at the First Battle of Manassas, and the First Battle of Kernstown, where he was severely wounded and promoted to brigadier general on April 16, 1862. His other battles included the Battle of Droop Mountain, the Battle of New Market, and the Siege of Petersburg. After Lee surrendered at Appomattox, Echols led two brigades south to join Johnston's Army of Tennessee and subsequently accompanied President Jefferson Davis to Augusta, Ga. Following the war Echols practiced law in Staunton, Va., was reelected to the Virginia House of Delegates and served as president of the Staunton National Valley Bank. Late in life he moved to Kentucky where he died May 24, 1896, and was buried in Staunton in Thornrose Cemetery.

Brig. Gen. John Echols


Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, March 18.

Click 👉TODAY IN HISTORY (general history) March 18.


1861: The Arkansas secession convention voted 39-35 against seceding from the Union. The Arkansas convention was led by unionists and held a unionist majority from the beginning. It does provide for a vote of the people on the issue later in the summer.

1862: President Jefferson Davis moved Judah Benjamin from his Secretary of War position to Secretary of State. Benjamin was much more able in his new cabinet post.

1863: Major General Franklin Gardner at Port Hudson, La. has his Confederates gather an enormous number of supplies and equipment from the retreating Northern Army of the Gulf. The riches are reportedly 15 wagon loads of supplies and livestock as well. The below picture of Pvt. Louis Cormier depicts the typical Confederate uniform issued to troops at Port Hudson and Vicksburg in 1863. A group picture of the Port Hudson shows most of those soldiers in the picture are wearing this type of uniform.

Pvt. Louis Cormier, Boone's La. Battery Light Artillery
Port Hudson Confederate garrison.
(Port Hudson State Historic Site)

1864: Major General Richard Taylor on this day in the Red River Campaign keeps his Army of Western Louisiana stationary at a position 50 miles from Natchitoches while waiting for reinforcements. He especially needs cavalry to keep an eye on Federal forces which were gathering forces and supplies at Alexandria, Louisiana in the central part of the state.

1865: The Confederate Army of Tennessee under General Joseph E. Johnston at Bentonville, North Carolina gets ready to try to block Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman's Federal juggernaut of 60,000 bummers who have been burning and looting their way across the Carolinas. Johnston has only about 21,000 Southern soldiers.

At Mobile, Alabama: Confederate forces under Maj. Gen. Dabney Maury with just 6,000 men, prepares for an attack by a Federal Army under Maj. Gen. E.R.S. Canby with 45,000 men. Major fortifications around the city include Fort Blakely under Brig. Gen. St. John Liddell and Spanish Fort under Brig. Gen. Randall L. Gibson. 


Brigadier General William Robertson Boggs was born on this day in 1829 in Augusta, Georgia. He graduated from West Point in 1853 and ranked fourth in his class of 47 cadets. He got a choice assignment as a brevet second lieutenant in the Topographical Bureau. Despite his promising career, he only reached the rank of first lieutenant by 1861. He resigned from the U.S. Army when Georgia seceded and became a staff officer for General Braxton Bragg. Boggs was appointed Chief Engineer for Georgia in 1862, and in 1863 was promoted to brigadier general and became chief of staff for General E. Kirby Smith in the Trans-Mississippi Department. He resigned as chief of staff after quarreling with Smith and was temporarily commander of the District of Louisiana. He was awaiting orders in Houston when the war ended and he was paroled on June 9, 1865. Following the war, he was a railroad construction engineer, and a professor at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and died in Winston-Salem, N.C. Sept. 11, 1911, and was buried in Salem Cemetery.

Brig. Gen. William R. Boggs