Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Today in History (general History)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) Aug. 28.

On This Day in Confederate History, Aug. 28.

Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with 
secession badge with pistol and musket
(Liljenquist Collection, Library of Congress)

1862: The Second Battle of Manassas, Va. got underway on this day when major fighting erupted at Brawner's Farm (Groveton). The Confederate Brig. Gen. William Starke (commanding Taliaferro's Division) and the Second Louisiana Brigade, under the supervision of Stonewall Jackson, had a stand-up fight with Federal Brig. Gen. John Gibbon's Mid-Western Brigade lasted for hours. The Federal artillery drove of the Confederate artillery. Both sides were reinforced and the volley of fire continued until 9 o'clock P.M. Two division commanders, major generals William Taliaferro and Richard S. Ewell were both severely wounded. The Confederates were left in charge of the field when the Federals withdrew.

Maj. Gen. William Taliaferro was 
severely wounded early in the battle
and replaced by Brig. Gen. William Starke
of the 2nd La. Brigade.

1863: In the Siege of Charleston, S.C., Confederate Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard reports: "On the 28th, the enemy was extremely quiet, firing only 6 shots at Sumter; but his approaches toward Battery Wagner advanced rapidly, notwithstanding the fire directed upon him from Gregg, the James Island batteries, and the sharpshooters in Battery Wagner.

1864: Lt. Gen. Jubal Early's Army of the Valley has been reduced by hard fighting and campaigning to about 8,500 infantry, 2,900 cavalrymen, and three battalions of artillery to defend the valley. Federals under Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan built up their forces to over 30,000 for the coming fall campaign.

Confederate General Birthdays, Aug. 28.


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