Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthday, Aug. 13.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) Aug. 13.

On This Day in Confederate History, Aug. 13.

1862: The Battle of Yellow Creek, Missouri, or skirmish, happened on this day when Federal forces under Col. Odon Guitar caught a group of Confederate recruits under the command of Col. John A. Poindexter, numbering about 1,200 in Chariton County where the Federal 9th Missouri State Militia Cavalry and the 2nd Missouri Volunteers routed Poindexter's recruits. Poindexter was wounded, captured, and paroled. The action put an end to Confederate recruiting in Northwest Missouri.

1863: At the Siege of Charleston, S.C., Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard reports on what happened today: "On the 13th, the enemy endeavored several times to repair the damage done to his advanced works during the preceding night, but well-directed shots from Battery Wagner as often drove him back. The batteries in the rear and the fleet then opened fire on Wagner and Gregg and were answered by Fort Sumter and Battery Simkins. At 5.30 a. m., the enemy opened with 8-inch Parrotts from the same battery as the day before, firing two or three times only. At 11 a. m. three or four wooden gunboats, armed with heavy rifled guns, approached within 4,000 and 5,000 yards of Fort Sumter and opened a slow fire. Some fifteen shots were fired with great range; three only struck the fort. One shot passed over the fort at a great elevation and dropped a mile to the westward. At 5 p. m., the enemy opened again on the fort with the 8-inch Parrotts. No great damage was done. The farthest penetration into the brickwork was about 4 feet."

Marion Light Artillery on Coles Island
South Carolina in 1861.

Confederate General Birthdays, Aug. 13.


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