Sunday, November 10, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General History, Nov. 10.

Click ðŸ‘‰ TODAY IN HISTORY (general history) Nov. 11.


1863: In Richmond, Va., Confederate War Department clerk John B. Jones writes in his diary about the damage being done to the economy by speculators. He writes, "I have written Custis Lee, the President's aid, that but one alternative remains: for the President, or someone else, to assume all power, temporarily, and crush the speculators."

1864: In the Battle of Bull's Gap, in East Tenn., Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge led 3,000 Confederates from Virginia and pushed back 2,500 Federals under Maj. Gen. Alvan Cullem Gillem near Knoxville by Nov. 14. Federal casualties totaled 324 and Confederates lost 100 men.

Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge


Brigadier General Benjamin McCulloch, in 1811, at Rutherford County, Tennessee. He was a legend in his own time, having come to Texas from Tennessee in 1835 to fight for Texas' Independence from Mexico. He met Col. David Crockett in Nacogdoches and planned to go to San Antonio with him, but measles laid him up for several weeks but saved him from being killed at the Alamo with Crockett. He served under General Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto. He also served as a Texas Ranger and in the war with Mexico. In the War for Southern Independence, McCulloch led a brigade in the Battle of Oak Hill, Mo., commanded the Confederate right wing at the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, Ark, and was killed in action in that battle on March 7, 1862. His remains are now at rest in the Texas State Cemetery in Austin. McCulloch County, Texas is named in his honor.

Brig. Gen. Benjamin McCulloch
He was wearing a black suit and
black Wellington boots when he
was killed at Elk Horn Tavern.

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