Saturday, November 9, 2024

Today in History (general history/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, Nov. 9.

Click ðŸ‘‰TODAY IN HISTORY (general history), Nov. 9 


1862: At Fredericksburg, Va., was raided by Federal cavalry under Federal Col. Ulric Dahlgren and captured 34 Confederates and the bluecoat troopers lost one man. Gen. Robert E. Lee conducted a court of inquiry about the incident, but no charges are filed.

1863: Confederate and Federal cavalry clashed at Bayou Sara, La. (also called skirmish at Tunica Bend) on this day with the Southerners driving off the blue coats. Bayou Sara is a riverboat town. "Col. Henry Maury, Fifteenth [Confederate] Cavalry Regiment: We dashed in yesterday above Bayou Sara on a plundering party of Yankees, 300 strong; drove them to their ironclads, with great slaughter. We brought off their wagon train and 25 prisoners from under the broadsides of their gunboats. Only 3 wounded of ours." [O.R., Series I, Vol. 26, Part I, p.452.]

Col. Henry Maury, 15th Confederate Cavalry
He was a cousin of Maj. Gen. Dabney Maury.
(Printerest/ catalog)

John Wilkes Booth performs in "The Marble Heart," at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. with Lincoln in the audience. Booth played the villain and reportedly delivered several threatening lines while looking directly at Lincoln. However, Lincoln was said to be very impressed with Booth's acting.

John Wilkes Booth
(Library of Congress)

 1864: At Kingston, Ga., Sherman plans his "March to the Sea" while Hood's Army of Tennessee hopes to draw Sherman into Tennessee. Hood is also waiting for Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest arrived with reinforcements and takes command of all the cavalry of the Army of Tennessee.


Lieutenant General Ambrose Powell Hill was born on this day in 1825 at Culpeper, Virginia. Hill was an 1847 graduate of West Point and was 15th in a class of 38 graduating cadets. Hill served in the Mexican American War with the U.S. Cavalry but was in no major battles. He resigned from the U.S. Army on March 1, 1861, and initially served as colonel of the 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment. He rose rapidly in the ranks and led what became famous as A.P. Hill's Light Division of the Second Corps. He then commanded the Third Corps with the rank of lieutenant general. His battles included First Manassas, the Peninsula Campaign, Seven Days Battles, Cedar Mountain, Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristoe Station, Mine Run, the Wilderness, North Anna, Cold Harbor the third battle of the siege of Petersburg. Hill was killed in action on April 2, 1865, at the Third Battle of Petersburg. He is buried underneath a magnificent monument and statue of him in Richmond, Va. But as of this writing, Richmond authorities announced Hill's statue and grave there would be moved?

Lt. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill

Brigadier General William Henry Forney, in 1823, Lincolnton, North Carolina. He served in the Army of Northern Virginia and was wounded a number of times but survived the war. Post-war he served in the U.S. Congress and the Gettysburg Battlefield Commission. He died on Jan. 16, 1894, in Jacksonville, Alabama, and was buried in the City Cemetery there.

Brig. Gen. William H. Forney

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