Saturday, March 6, 2010


From: Univertisty of Texas at Tyler digital library.
YAZOO DEMOCRAT [Yazoo City, MS], March 10, 1860, p. 2, c. 5

Military Equipments for the South.—The N. Y. Journal of Commerce, referring to the movement in the South to increase and improve the Volunteer Companies, since the John Brown raid, remarks:

The best proof of the depth and earnestness of Southern feeling on this subject may be found in the immense orders which are received from the South by our military manufacturers for all kinds of equipments. One firm in this city has been obliged to put on 300 extra hands lately, to meet the demand of knapsacks, belts, cartridge boxes, priming wires, and other military appliances. Gun and pistol-dealers in this city and elsewhere in the North, also derive large benefits from the Southern martial excitement.

YAZOO DEMOCRAT [Yazoo City, MS], March 17, 1860, p. 3, c. 1

Military Company.—The Yazoo Rifles have organized and elected their officers, and will undoubtedly form a company of which the State may be proud. That prince of clever fellows, Mose Phillips, was unanimously honored with the Captaincy. As a gentleman, he is eminently worthy of it. Let the members bear in mind that there will be a meeting to-day.

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