Monday, May 20, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, May 20.

Click👉Today in History (general history) May 20. 

On This Day in Confederate History, May 20.

1861: Confederate congressmen vote to move the capital of the Confederacy from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virginia.

North Carolina seceded from the Union on this day. It was reluctant at first but Lincoln's call for troops to subjugate the Southern states that had seceded pushed the Tar Heel State into finally seceding.

Lt. Robert Pryor James, Co. E, 20th NC Inf.
(Library of Congress)

1863: Maj. Edwin Waller Jr.'s 13th Texas Cavalry Battalion skirmished with the Federal Cavalry at Cheneyville, Louisiana in Rapides Parish in Central Louisiana. The Confederates lost 2 killed, 2 wounded, and 2 taken prisoner.

1864: The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House continued when General Grant attempted to set a trap for General Lee, but before Grant's trap was carried out, Lee sent Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell's Second Corps to find the flank of the Yankee army. Ewell then runs into some Yankee units newly converted from heavy artillery to infantry moving along the Brock Road near the Harris Farm. The fighting lasts until 9 o'clock that night and General Lee recalls Ewell so as not to bring on a general engagement.

Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

Confederate General Birthdays, May 20.


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