Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, Aug. 12.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) Aug. 12.

On This Day in Confederate History, Aug. 12.

1862: Confederate Brig. Gen. John Hunt Morgan led a raid on Gallatin, Tennessee, and captured the Federal garrison there of four companies. The Confederate cavalry withdrew within 24 hours.

1863: Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard reported on what happened during the Siege of Charleston, S.C. on this day: "At 5:45 o'clock on the morning of the 12th, the enemy opened on Fort Sumter with an 8-inch Parrott gun, firing from battery to north and west of Craig's Hill, Morris Island; distance estimated to be at least 4,400 yards. Eleven shots in all were fired at the fort; 4 missed, 3 struck outside, and 4 within the fort. Again, at 5:30 p.m., the enemy opened on Fort Sumter from the same battery, firing at intervals of ten minutes till dark. Eleven 8-inch rifled shots struck the fort.
     "Heavy firing was carried on throughout the day against Battery Wagner. Fort Sumter, Batteries Gregg, and Simkins directed their fire against the enemy's working parties on the left of his approach, and dispersed them, stopping the work they were throwing up. At dark, Battery Wagner opened with eight guns on the enemy's advanced trenches, and, in conjunction with Fort Sumter and Battery Simkins, prevented any progress on the part of the enemy. His batteries in the rear replied to the fire of Wagner, and interrupted our communications with Cumming's Point."
Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard

1864: The CSS Tallahassee under Commander John Taylor Wood, a grandson of President Zachary Taylor, captured six Federal ships off the New York coast and seven off the coast of Sandy Hook, New Jersey. 

Confederate General Birthdays, Aug. 12.

Major General John Horace Forney was born on this day in 1829 in Lincolnton, North Carolina. He graduated from West Point in 1852 ranking 22nd in his class. After resigning his commission in the U.S. Army on Jan. 23, 1861, and then joined the Confederate Army on March 14, 1861, with the rank of captain. He then became colonel of the 10th Alabama Infantry on June 21, 1861. He participated in the First Battle of Manassas, Va. on July 21, 1861, and was wounded in the Battle of Dranesville, Va. on Dec. 20, 1861. On March 20, 1862, Forney was promoted to brigadier general and then to major general on Oct. 27, 1862. He commanded a division in the Siege of Vicksburg and was captured at the end of the siege. Exchanged on Jan. 28, 1864, Forney was given commands in the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, and afterward the Walker's Texas Infantry Division in the Trans-Mississippi Department. Following the war, he resided in Alabama and made a living as a farmer, and civil engineer. He died September 12, 1902, in Jacksonville, Alabama where he was buried in the City Cemetery there.
Maj. Gen. John H. Forney

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