Tuesday, February 16, 2010


From http://www.uttyler.edu/vbetts/newspaper_titles.htm
[FAYETTEVILLE, ARK.] THE ARKANSIAN, January 20, 1860, p. 3, c. 2
Mounted Rifles.
A Mounted Rifle company was organized by the citizens of this county, on last Saturday, by the election of the following officers:

Captain—J. M. Tuttle; 1st Lieu, P. P. Vanhoose; 2d Lieut, W. R. cunningham; 3d Lieut, J. R. Pettigrew.

Another meeting of the company will be held at the Court House, on Saturday the 4th prox. for the purpose of completing the organization. We understand that on that day the non-commissioned officers will be elected and other necessary arrangements will be made; a full attendance is required.

It seems that the desire among our citizens to join a mounted company is prevalent; and the rapid increase of members of the company bids fair to swell it to an unusual size. We would suggest that another mounted company be organized. We do not think that a company ought to number over 80 rank and file. Were there a call for active service, we have no doubt that Washington county would turn out 500 men.

In connection with this subject, we beg leave to remind our contemporaries that our Senior has been promoted to a Lieutenant in this company; he no longer occupies that respectable position of a "high private;" and hereafter he will wield the sword as well as the pen, if the editorials of the Arkansian lose their milky character and assume one more sanguinary, we hope our readers will attribute the fact to this new position of our Senior.

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