Thursday, July 14, 2011

150-Years-Ago -- Another Early War Skirmish -- Laurel Hill, Virginia

An early war Virginia Confederate.
(Library of Congress)
The Richmond Daily Dispatch
15 July 1861

Laurel Hill. Barbour county, July 7.
     Another fight and success so far with the Confederate troops. Before daybreak this morning (Sunday,) the troops at this camp were aroused by the firing of the picket guard, and in a short time our men were in line and ready for service. About light another volley was fired, apparently about a mile from our camp and the excitement was increased by the rapid movement of the Georgia Regiment and the cavalry. Finally orders came for us to take proper positions, that the enemy was advancing upon us, and that the Georgia Regiment had fired upon them and held them in check. This regiment kept up a fire upon them until about 3 o'clock, killing four or five of the enemy, and receiving in turn only one men wounded, slightly.
     At 3 o'clock, the Georgians were marched off and the 23D Regiment took its place, on the brow of a hill to a very short distance of the Yankees. The 23D remained on the ground until dark, when they were relieved by the 27th.
     The 23d under the command of its brave and able commander, Colonel Taliaferro, behaved with coolness and courage worthy of veterans. The Sharpshooters, Capt. Tompkins, of Richmond, were selected as the advance corps, and took up their position within two hundred yards of the enemy, and acting as skirmishers, took to the woods and done their duty faithfully and well. In fact, they being the only company armed with this, they had to bear the brunt of the fighting.
     This company, as soon as they were stationed, commenced a rapid fire on the enemy, which was as promptly returned; but fortunately with little execution to us. The fire was kept up until 7 o'clock, at which time we were relieved I cannot particularize any one who performed the most service, where all done so well, not only in this corps, but in the whole regiment. Our loss is Chas. W. Goff a citizen of Richmond, who was shot through the head, and was killed instantly; Captain Tompkins received a slight scratch on the nose, which, by the way, is a very prominent feature,) caused by a splinter; Corporal Ro. H. Jarvia received a ball through his haversack, cutting through his "grub," and the same ball struck against the leg of Sergeant J. W. L Jones, without, however, doing any injury; Sergeant Bosher, of the Goochland Greys, received a flesh wound in the arm, and the same ball made a mark on the breast of Captain Harrison, of the same corps. The enemy's loss is estimated at 25 killed. How many wounded could not be ascertained.
     The firing is still carried on by the 27th Regiment, our men now being in the trenches, sleeping on their arms, expecting to go at it again to-morrow.
     The enemy commenced their work with yells and cheers, swearing and using all kinds of vulgar language, which our troops replied to by well aimed bullets and a determination to rather than yield. I have not time to write any more to-night, but will give you particulars when the battle is ended. Ned P. S.--It has been reported in Richmond by an enemy of two of the members of the Sharp Shooters that they were to be shot for sleeping on their posts. The report is false, and I take pleasure in correcting it, to relieve the minds of the parents of the two individuals alluded to. Ned.

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