Thursday, April 28, 2011


The New Orleans Daily True Delta
April 28, 1861

William Walker, famed filibuster
who was executed on his last
attempt to take power back in
Nicaragua. He had many loyal
former soldiers of fortune in New
Orleans. (Library of  Congress)

The Walker Guards.
     Company  A of this corps, numbering 84 men, rank and file, was mustered into service yesterday by Adjutant General Grivot. After mustering, John Coyle, an old Nicaraguan, was elected 2nd lieutenant. These boys are, beyond all shadow of doubt, the right material; don't fight for  office or emolument, but will fight to the death for the honor of the name they bear of their chief, who was basely betrayed and then murdered.
     Company B of this command, every man of whom has a big heart and a strong arm for the south, marched to Camp Davis last evening.
     This corps, Captain Harris in command of Company A, Captain Sam. McChesney in command of company B,  and Major Dolan in command of the battalion, will prove their manhood and devotion to the south, and will show, on a bloody field, that they keep at heart the brave lessons of General Walker, whose base murder every Nicaraugua-American hopes to see yet avenged.

[Editor's note: the Walker Guards, Captain Robert A. Harris commanding, became Company A of the 1st Special Battalion (Wheat's) Louisiana Volunteers. Captain Samuel McChesney became captain of the Grivot Rifles, Company E, 15th Louisiana Infantry Regiment.]

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