Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, Sept. 25.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) Sept. 25.

On This Day in Confederate History, Sept. 25.

1862: In the aftermath of the First Battle of Sabine Pass, Texas, Lieutenant Colonel Ashley W. Spaight, command of the 11th Battalion Texas Volunteers, was busy rearranging the positions of his battalion on September 25. Colonel X.B. DeBray, sub-military district commander, assembled reinforcements. Captain Marsh's Company A, cavalry, of Spaight's Battalion, was finally seeing some action against the enemy and was sent to the area around Sabine Pass as scouts to keep a close eye on what the enemy movements were. Company B of Spaight's Battalion (Capt. K.D. Keith's heavy artillery) was sent to Fort Grigsby further up Sabine Pass in case the enemy strikes there also. The three infantry companies of the battalion were dispatched to other spots, Company C to reassemble at Smith's Bluff; Company D was sent to Orange to guard that important river port, and Company E was sent to guard the bridge at Taylor's Bayou. Spaight's other cavalry company, Company F, was sent to scout in the area of  Fort Grigsby. Debray was bringing the 20th Texas Infantry Regiment and the 21st Battalion Texas Infantry.

Believed to be Sgt. Thomas Jefferson Smith,
Co. C, Spaight's Battalion. (Find A Grave)

1863: The Memphis Appeal on this day ran the casualties of the 5th Company Washington Artillery of New Orleans at the Battle of Chickamauga, Ga. on Sept. 19 and 20: "Sept. 19--Killed: Lieutenant S.M. Blair, Privates John Anderson, C.P. Bailey, M. Duggan, E. Reichard, L. Daigle, Jos.Belson. Wounded: Martin Mathis, through thigh slightly; Felix Arroyo, bruised slightly; C.R. Percy, slightly in right-left; John Walsh, slightly. Sept. 20--Killed: Fred Morrel, L. Brocard, (volunteer for the fight) James Bayle, Benjamin Stakeman. Wounded: W.A. Wood, leg amputated, doing well; Myle Greenwood, foot, doing well; J. Weber, slightly; George Pugh, slightly; C. Weingard, bruised slightly; W.G. Crawford, slightly; John Frazar, slightly through the forearm.

Pvt. Emile F. Reichert, Co. 5, Washington Artillery of  New
Orleans, La. was killed in action on Sept. 19, 1863 at Chickamauga.

A group  picture of the 5th Company Washington Artillery

Confederate General Birthdays, Sept. 25.

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