Sunday, September 29, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, Sept. 29.

Click ๐Ÿ‘‰ Today in History (general history) Sept. 29.

On This Day in Confederate History, Sept. 29.

1863: The Battle of Stirling's Plantation/Fordoche Bridge is an overwhelming Confederate victory in Louisiana. The Federal forces in the battle were the 19th Iowa and 26th Indiana infantry regiments, the 6th Missouri Cavalry Battalion, the 2nd Illinois Cavalry, a company of mounted infantry of the section of the 1st Missouri Light Artillery, about 1,000 men in a provisional brigade under Lt. Col. J.B. Leake. The Confederate units in the battle were Speight's Texas Infantry Brigade (20th, 22nd, 31st, & 34th Tex. DM Cav.,& 15th Tex. Inf.) , the 11th (Spaight's) Battalion Texas Volunteers, Mouton's Louisiana Infantry Brigade (18th, Cres. Reg't, & 28th La. Inf.), Green's Texas Cavalry Brigade (4th, 5th, & 7th Tex. Cav.) and Maj. Oliver J. Semmes' First Confederate Battery. They had about 3,000 men in all under Brig. Gen. Tom Green. But only about 1,000 Confederates were engaged in the actual fight. The Federals were there to protect Federal shipping on the Atchafalaya River, seven miles below Morganza, La. Although the Federals denied it, the bluecoats were caught by surprise with Semmes' battery opening the ball which was quickly followed by the Confederate infantry charging and the Confederate Cavalry outflanking the Federal position. But the Federals put up a stout defense which was finally broken by the Southerners. Federal casualties totaled 515, including 16 killed, 45 wounded, and 454 captured, including Colonel Leake. The Confederate casualties totaled 121, including 26 killed, 85 wounded and 10 men missing. General Green reported, "The heavy loss sustained by Speight's brigade shows the desperate nature of the conflict, and it is not out of place to mention here, even where all distinguished themselves, the gallant bearing and activity of Lieutenant [John B.] Jones, assistant adjutant general of Speight's brigade."

Brig. Gen. Tom Green
Led the Attack at Stirling's Plantation
(Colorization by M.D. Jones)

1864: The Battle of Chaffin's Farm and New Market Heights at Forts Harrison, Johnson, and Gilmer began on this day at Petersburg, Va. The Federals were under Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. "Beast" Butler with 26,000 men and the Confederates were under General Robert E. Lee and Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell with 14,500 men. The New Market Heights were defended by Lee's Grenadier Guard--Hood's Texas Brigade, about 1,800 strong, under Brig. Gen. John Gregg. Their position was attacked by 13,000 Federals and the Texans inflicted some 850 casualties on the attackers while suffering only about 50 of their own. The Federal attack at Fort Harrison succeeded in occupying the fort but they became disorganized. However, the Confederates rallied and contained the enemy's breakthrough. General Lee personally brought up 10,000 reinforcements for the next day's phase of the battle.

General Robert E. Lee
(CDV, M.D. Jones Collection)

Confederate General Birthdays, Sept. 28.

Brigadier General Bradley Tyler Johnson was born on this day in 1829 in Frederick, Maryland. Johnson organized and equipped a company at his expense of the 1st Maryland Infantry, CSA. he was elevated to command of the regiment with the rank of colonel. At the Battle of Front Royal, the 1st Maryland Confederate fought the 1st Maryland Federal and successfully stopped the Yankee 1st Maryland attacks. His other battles included First Winchester, Cross Keys, and the Peninsular Campaign, among others. After the war, he practiced law in Richmond, Va., and in Baltimore, Md. Johnson died Oct. 3, 1903, and is buried in Loudon Park Cemetery in Baltimore.

Brig. Gen. Bradley Johnson
(Wikimedia Commons)

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