Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Louisiana state militia seized the U.S. Arsenal at Baton
Rouge on Jan. 10, 1861 at the direction of Gov. Thomas
Overton Moore. The state had a elected delegates to a
secession convention to convene Jan. 23 in Baton Rouge.
Since the seizure of Fort Sumter by U.S. troops in
Charleston, S.C., Southern governors seized federal
properties in their states to thwart such threatening moves
 in their states. Above, Louisiana state seal.
 [Excerpts from UT-Tyler Digital Archive]

SUGAR PLANTER [WEST BATON ROUGE, LA], January 12, 1861, p. 2, c. 1

We were unable to issue our paper on Saturday last, owing to the fact that ourself and printer were engaged in playing "military" with Capt. Favrot's company of Delta Rifles, during the somewhat exciting times in Baton Rouge last week.

We issue now only a half sheet, in order that the legal advertising of the paper may not be interfered with. Our patrons will have to refer to other papers for the exciting news of the day.
SUGAR PLANTER [WEST BATON ROUGE, LA], January 19, 1861, p. 2, c. 1

Baton Rouge, Jan. 14, 1861.

Editor Sugar Planter: I promised you a little history of the times we had in the Arsenal and Garrison of this place during the past week, but have been laid up with the gout so badly as to render such an account impossible. The fact is, my dear boy, the State of Louisiana treated us too well in those trying hours. The first day, (last Saturday) the finest roasts, stews, fries, and even boned turkey, pate de foie gras and turtle soup, rewarded our patriotic services. Our gallant boys, however, disdained those dainties, and, to show their zeal, selected from amongst those tempting viands such food as dry bread, common cheese, and most venerable jerked beef, while a few still more enthusiastic, refused to eat anything for twenty-four hours. Was the like ever heard of before, good Mr. Planter? Why, sir, at night, the same men absolutely refused to repose upon the downy beds prepared for them by the Pelican, but heroically selected the softest planks they could find, and, envelopes in a blanket, were speedily ushered into the land of dreams. A few absolutely refused such delicious comforts, and with musket upon shoulder paraded the grounds all night to scare mysterious intruders away. The rainy, drizzly night was looked upon with the most dignified contempt, while the zeal of some of the boys was manifest in not sleeping themselves, or allowing others to sleep. The Pelican is a good and kind mother, and, so far, has well attended to the wants of her children. Shall write you again.

SUGAR PLANTER [WEST BATON ROUGE, LA], January 19, 1861, p. 2, c. 1

The West Baton Rouge Company:--From the many praises bestowed upon the Delta Rifles of our parish for the part they took in the exciting times of Baton Rouge last week, we are of opinion that their humble efforts were duly appreciated by the ruling powers of the State. Barely organized, and with little chance to drill, they did as well as could be expected under the circumstances. It was with a feeling of pride that we noticed in the ranks a large majority of those who had voted and worked for the success of the co-operation ticket, and amongst the foremost in the ranks as a private soldier was our parish representative to the Convention on the co-operation ticket, Col. N. W. Pope. Our parish, it will be remembered, voted heavily for the co-operation ticket, and, of course, was amongst those classed as "Submissionists;" but the disposition shown by our citizens, when the Governor called for men to take possession of the arsenal and barracks, was enough to satisfy any one that we are as willing and ready to maintain the honor and dignity of the Pelican State as those who thought proper to advocate separate State action. When such men as the Herefords, the Popes, Vaughn, Devall, Lobdell, Clarks, LeBlancs, Dubrocas, Williams, Favrot, and others of our prominent citizens will leave their homes and business to volunteer in defence of our beloved State, we think our parish may well be relieved of the odium of being a Union-at-any-price parish.

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