Thursday, March 10, 2011


The New Orleans True Delta
March 10, 1861

Gov. Sam Houston disagreed with Texas
secession but refused to resign.
(Library of Congress)
      GALVESTON - On the 4th instant the convention, now in session at Austin, declared the state of Texas as being no longer connected with the federal Union.
     Governor Houston has issued a proclamation to that effect.
     The election returns are as yet incomplete. In fifty one thousand seven hundred votes cast, the majority for immediate secession is twenty-eight thousand.
     Ordinances were passed authorizing the delegates to represent the state of Texas in the provisional government of the Confederate States, and confirming the commissioners to contract with Gen. Twiggs.
     The vessels sent by the federal government to remove the troops are not to be seized. The Daniel Webster was off Indianola last week. Major Porter went ashore, expecting to find troops to remove. Finding none, the Daniel Webster went to Brazos Santiago for the same purpose. No news has yet been received from that quarter.
     Gen.McCullough is at Austin. It is reported he fears Watte will concentrate troops from the upper ports.
     A member of the convention wrote this from Austin on the 2d to Brenham, calling for volunteers for San Antonio. Austin advices of the 4th say nothing of this.
     Gen. Houston, it is said, will not resign nor take the oath of allegiance.
     The convention is discussing the ordinance defining the upper forts.

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