Saturday, June 1, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, June, 1.

President Jefferson Davis
First president of the Confederacy

 The Richmond Daily Dispatch
June 1, 1861
     The arrival of these two distinguished gentlemen in Richmond, one the Chief Magistrate of the Confederacy, and the other the hero of the first battle in behalf of Southern Rights, is not only opportune as regards the momentous crisis through which we are passing, but important in its moral effect upon our people. Their presence will give a tone to public affairs and to public men, and impart vigor, impetus and activity, in both the Civil and Military Departments of our Government. Our troops will be inspired with fresh confidence, though it has never been wanting in the leaders we have already in the field; and we shall probably at once begin to experience the results of that vigorous policy which has in a few short months consolidated the Southern States in one of the strongest Governments of the world. We shall have a fight, and we shall conquer. The providence which has thus far blessed every movement that has been made in behalf of Southern Rights, will not desert us in the trying hour of our destiny, and with such instruments in the field as President Davis, Toombs, Wigfall, Beauregard, Lee, Johnston, Bonham, Huger, Wise, and the host of brave men gathered around them, we cannot but triumph over all opposition.
     There are now upon the soil of Virginia some of the best blood and talent of our country; men who have adorned the fireside, forum and the field; men who have staked "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor;" men who will never turn their backs upon the enemy until he has been driven from the State. South Carolina has sent her Manning, Preston, and Huger; Louisiana her Beauregard; Georgia her Toombs, and Texas her Wigfall. Other States have likewise contributed their brightest and best names to the galaxy, hundreds of whom are in the ranks as private soldiers; while every family in old Virginia that ever had a position has sent its representative men to do their share in the coming conflict. With such leaders and such followers, we are invincible, and though, in the language of the brave Tatnall, "blood is thicker than water," the soil will soak with the contents of the hearts of the men of the Old Dominion, before they yield one jot to the treacherous foe who are now within our borders.

General P.G.T. Beauregard

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