Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, June 26..

Click 👉 Today in History (general history) June 26.

On This Day in Confederate History, June 26.

1862: On the second day of the Seven Days Battles, in the Battle of Beaver Dam Creek, Va. (Mechanicsville) General Robert E. Lee unleashes his newly reorganized Army of Northern Virginia on the slow-moving Army of the Potomac, commanded by Major General George B. McClellan. Leading the counter-offensive is Major General A.P. Hill's "Lighting" Division. Lee planned the attack for early in the morning but the late arrival of Major General Stonewall Jackson's Division from the Shenandoah Valley slowed the starting time. Believing, mistakenly, that Jackson had arrived at 3 p.m. and was attacking the strong Federal position at Beaver Dam Creek, Hill launched his men. Jackson's Division arrived late in the afternoon after Hill's men had been bloodily repulsed. However, McClellan decided to retreat that night which handed over the initiative to Lee, which turned the whole campaign around. The Federals lost a total of 361 men while the Confederates lost 1,484.

Lt. Gen. A.P. Hill

1863:  At the Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., Brigadier General Louis Hebert, commanding the Third Louisiana Redan, reports: "Kept out at the trenches during the entire night, and afflicted today with a fever, I have failed to this time to hand in my usual daily report. The night of the 24th passed off with little firing on my line, and no change was visible, except the nearer approach of saps and the addition of newly thrown-up earth at several points. During the 25th, the enemy continued his labors, but no movements of troops were seen. The skirmishing was as usual. ... At that hour [5:30 p.m.] the enemy spring his mine under the main [Third Louisiana] redan, on the left of the road, and advanced to the assault. His attempt was a feeble one, and was easily defeated. . .."

1864: At the Atlanta Campaign in Georgia, the Army of Tennessee takes up strong positions on Kennesaw Mountain with Hood's Corps on the right, Loring's Corps covering Hood's left and the crest of the mountain, Hardee's Corps on the left flank. Captain Samuel  Foster notes in his dairy there was heavy firing all night.

Confederate General Birthdays, June 26.


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