Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, June 25.

Click ๐Ÿ‘‰Today in History (general history) June 25.

On This Day in Confederate History, June 25.

1862: The Seven Days Battles begins this day with the Battle of King's School House (Oak Grove). In this battle, Maj. Gen. George B. McClelland was trying to move his forces closer to the Confederate fortifications before Richmond, Va. Gen. Robert E. Lee had one division involved, that of Maj. Gen. Benjamin Huger's versus three brigades of the Federal III Corps. There was much confusion on the part of the Federals but by nightfall, they had managed to move 600 yards closer. Federal casualties were 68 killed, 503 wounded, and 55 missing for a total of 626. Confederates lost 66 killed, 362 wounded and 13 missing for a total of 441. General Lee would seize the initiative the following day.

1863: SIEGE OF VICKSBURG: First Lt. John Y. Sanders II of Co. B, 26th La. Inf., Shoup's Brigade, writes in his daily diary at Vicksburg, Miss.: "As usual, in pits all day. Men make peach preserves & purslane greens in order to enlarge their rations - poor fellows, they suffer a good deal - but we get enough to 'live on.' All were roused at 1/4 of 5 this evening by tremendous cannonading on right. All of my opinion that it's Johnston coming in. May it be so! Sat up till late, 12 o'clock. Angry sharpshooting where the charge was made this evening on the right. Saw Vicksburg paper of the 25th which says Lee is in Pennsylvania." (Diary in Gray, Young-Sanders Center, 1994, Franklin, La.)

1st Lt. Jared Y. Sanders
Co. B, 26 La. Inf.
Shoup's Brigade

1864: Captain Samuel T. Foster of the 24th Texas Cavalry, Granbury's Brigade, Cleburne's Division, writes in his diary in the Atlanta Campaign: "Weather clear and warm. Skirmish firing still going on night and day, but no cannonading of any consequence since the day before yesterday -- No change in our lines yet. This evening there is heavy cannonading by the enemy. Skirmish firing still going on all the time. Sometimes it nearly amounts to a fight, then it eases off to the same old bang, bang, like water dropping off the eaves of a house. The bullets go zip zip over our breastworks day and night, making the men bow their heads."

Confederate General Birthdays, June 25.


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