Saturday, June 22, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, June 22.

Click 👉Today in History (general history) June 22

On This Day in Confederate History, June 22.

1861: Pro-South Missouri Gov. Claiborne Fox Jackson continues his support for the Confederacy after a pro-Union convention meets and votes to establish a new state government in St. Louis. Missouri's secessionist state government continued throughout the war, mostly in absentia. The state also had a  number of battles and skirmishes on its soil, including one of the first, the Battle of Oak Hill (Wilson's Creek). It supplied men and regiments to both armies, North and South.

1863: Under pressure to relieve besieged Port Hudson, La., Confederate Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor launches an attack on the large Federal supply base at Brashear City, La. Taylor plans a complex attack involving a cavalry raid on the railroad between New Orleans and Brashear City and a seaborne attack from Berwick's Bay. Some of the boats moved out on the night of June 22, some troops paddling the 12 miles there in sugar coolers for a coordinated attack the next morning. It was one of the most audacious plans in the war.

Brig. Gen. Thomas Green's
volunteers for Taylor's "Mosquito
Fleet" for the attack on Brashear
City, La. was drawn from his brigade
and the 2nd La. Cav. (Archives, Tex. State Lib.)

1864: The second day of the Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road near Petersburg, Va. continues with Lt. Gen. A.P. Hill's Third Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia preventing Lt. Gen. U.S. Grant's II Corps and VI Corps from capturing the Weldon Railroad. 

Also on this day, Grant launches the Wilson-Kautz Raid to destroy railroad tracks south and southwest of Petersburg. Carrying out the raid is Brig. Gen. James H. Wilson and Brig. Gen. August Kautz's divisions. 

Confederate General Birthdays, June 22.


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