Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Today in History (general history)/ On This Day in Confederate History/ Confederate General Birthdays, June 19.

Click ๐Ÿ‘‰Today in History (general history) June 19. 

On This Day in Confederate History, June 19.

1863: The Battle of Middleburg, Va. takes place from June 17 to 19 in 1863 in the Gettysburg Campaign. It occurred when Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry, which was screening Gen. Robert E. Lee's ANV, clashed with Federal cavalry of Brig. Gen. David McM. Gregg. Confederate pickets near Middleburg were attacked by Federals and fell back to Middleburg. Federal Brig. Gen. John Buford's Division then skirmished with Confederate Brig. Gen. William "Grumble" Jones' Brigade. The skirmishing continued through the afternoon and the Confederates finally fell back to a more secure position. The Confederates lost about 40 men, killed or wounded, and the Federal casualties totaled about 97.

Maj. J.E.B. Stuart

1864: Atlanta Campaign: Captain Samuel T. Foster of Granbury's Texas Brigade in the Army of Tennessee reacts in his diary to the decision by President Davis to replace Gen. Joseph E. Johnston as a commander with Gen. John Bell Hood. He writes: "The noise and confusion were kept up all night. Genl Johnson (sic) was serenaded, and if Jeff Davis had made his appearance in this army he would not have lived an hour. This morning, in order (I suppose) to quiet the men, It is reported that Hood refuses to take command and that Johnson will remain in command until after the fight at Atlanta. In the afternoon we are put in position, build breastworks, and by night we are ready for the Yanks." (One of Cleburne's Command, 1980)

Confederate Corporal Sam Watkins of Co. H. 1st Tennessee Regiment wrote, "General Joe Johnston is relieved, Generals Hardee and Kirby Smith have resigned, and General Hood is appointed to take command of the Army of Tennessee." ... "Five men of that picket--they were just five--as rapidly as they could, took off their cartridge boxes, after throwing down their guns ... They marched off, and it was the last we ever saw of them."

Cpl. Sam Watkins, Co. H. 1st Tenn. Inf.

Confederate General Birthdays, June 19.


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